how can I tell my mom I smoke?

how can I tell my mom I smoke

Answer #1

Be prepared for her to freak out on you. First of all your not even old enough to buy cigs. Secondly I doubt she would support her daughter in doing something that causes lung cancer, bad breath, yellow teeth, and other diseases.

Quit while your still young, it only get’s harder the longer you smoke. Trust me.

Answer #2

she probably has an idea anyway. I would say quit, but it’s up to you what you do with your life. Ye if you want to tell your mum, then don’t expect her to be cool about it - unless she smokes or did, then she might take it better. Best of luck!!

Answer #3

dont tell her and quit as fast as you can thats whar I would do, but realisticly just tell her whats the worst that can happen?

Answer #4

well if you want to quit then I suggest telling your mom she might be able to help you good luck ps please quit you don’t want to die of lung cancer

Answer #5

a lot of people are telling you to quit, and I understand that. but. I smoke, and tbh, the thing is, its your choice if you do, not anyone elses.

I told my dad because I like, have a better relationship with him than I do my mom, I think you just need to sit down with her and tell her that you need to talk to her about something, just tell her straight out, its the easiest thing to do.

if your mom smokes, she will take it easier, my dad smoked since he was 12 so he couldnt really say anything to me.

just make sure shes in a good mood too, good luck (:

Answer #6

You should definitely quit - much easier when you’re young - she’ll probably smell the smoke anyway.

Answer #7

u dont tell her. you QUIT!!! smoking is BAD!!! for u!!! doesnt anyone ever listen in school??? Drugs are bad!!!

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