Homework prohibition

The ToU used to ban homework questions, now it doesn’t. Is that a change or did it just slip through the cracks during a re-write of the ToU? Or did I miss something?

Answer #1

We stopped disallowing them for a few reasons, one, the “clever” people were disguising the questions enough that we didn’t notice.

Another reason was, I started doing some research: every comparable question / answer site out there (other than us) allowed them…and, from research, we share audience with a lot of other sites…which means, if we’re the most restrictive, we’re less likely to have people use our site regularly, thus, we lose :(

I think we changed the policy about a year ago. If people ask, over & over for help though, we tend to remove it even now, as it will annoy a lot of people. But, one or two questions are perfectly OK.

Answer #2

Makes sense. Thanks.

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