is there a home remedy for hot spots on a dog?

Answer #1

Antibiotic creams like Neosporin, or black tea compresses to help dry the wound and relieve itching.

Dog hot spots can be very serious, and it’s best to take the dog to the vet, rather than try and solve the problem yourself. A lot of dogs actually die from this.

Answer #2

If you can shave/clip the hair around the area. I’ve used Listerine mixed 50/50 with distilled water…..and TONS of vigilance. You’ve got to keep your eyes and ears peeled to stop the licking. Listerine sooths the spot….it also promotes healing…but the main thing, is the licking must stop. You can get an e-collar (cone of shame) at Petco….they’re unhandy, and dogs don’t like them…but they keep the dog off the spot.

Answer #3

bag balm………… like a charm.

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