Highschool sweethearts

Do high school sweethearts last? I really love my boyfriend and I wanna be with him forever, I cant see me with anyone ese.he feels the same.

P.s. Dont gimmie that b.c. About pepole finding ove in college, because what we have is real. Trust me

Answer #1

Why did you ask this question then follow it with ‘dont tell me…blah blah what I dont want to hear’?? anyway the answer is some do some dont. depends on your relationship not how young you are when you get together

Answer #2

i think so it might take alot of work once you hit college and you’ll want to be on the same page as in future plans. but its defiantly possible =)

Answer #3

most statistics show people are more likely to marry their highschool sweetheart :)

Answer #4

Well I thout I was going to marry my boyfriend I loved him so much but two days ago he said we arnt ment for each other and he Brock up with me

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