Do you believe in a higher power?

god exsist to you? thats it i just want to know how many people around here believe in god or a god as it might be for you.

Answer #1

Yes definalty. I <3 Jesus

Answer #2

I do believe in god.

Answer #3

Yes I do. I’m a Christian so I believe in God. However, I don’t really read the bible nor give too much significance to everything it says. I do, however, follow Christianity’s morals and ethics and some of my own. I believe in evolution and the big bang as well. So yes I believe in a diety and am a Christian, but I’m a very liberal one at that.

Answer #4

I don’t exactly follow any churches either nor the Pope.

Answer #5

then technically your not a christian your a just a believer in the high power.

Answer #6

Nope, I believe in their God and Jesus as well.

Answer #7

I was brought up a Protestant, so that’s why I never cared for the pope. I do believe what’s written in the Bible, but not necessarily every story nor parable. I focus more on the ethics and morals.

Answer #8

Yes. I consider myself a non-denominational Christian, with rather liberal beliefs. I have never had blind faith as some of my other religious friends/family do nor do I really want to. I believe in micro-evolution - there is plenty of proof of that. But I’m a little sketchy on macro-evolution. I have my doubts about the Bible never being altered, between the number of translations (Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English) and how many years the Catholic church kept it so only the clergy could read it - there was plenty of chances for mistakes and purposeful altering.

Answer #9

i repeat your not a christian you can say so all you want and believe it but your not. to be a christian you have to fallow a very strict guide line and set of rules for life. for what you typed i would say you fail at 60% of the required steps and functions to be labeled as a Christian. you are a gob believer not a worshiper huge difference.

Answer #10

well done. not to mention the fact it was told by mouth for thousands of years before ever being written down. it’s a book of words with idea’s and concepts in side it. the bible is a story, a great epic elaborate story with very strong points and views on the world and how one should function in it.

Answer #11

Not everyone is perfect John and we all sin. that doesnt make her not a christian

Answer #12

Everyone failsat those rules. We all are gonna sin. we all are failures. But thats why Jesus died for our sins so we can be forgivin. As long as you dont do it just becuase you will be forgivin. You have to really mean it in your heart and strive towards doin better. read the bible. and follow his laws and commandments. that being said we will all fail at some point. more than once. We can be forgivin.

Answer #13

i thought id like it twice.. that didnt work out well!! :)

Answer #14

Ego and self rightousness in the name of God…being one of the biggest pit falls of mankind. I think there was something about “Judge not, lest you be judged….JOHN!!!!

Answer #15

I second that <3 (:

Answer #16

Of course.

Answer #17

I did, but I do not anymore.

Answer #18

no it was only the lord my judge actually and im not judging i stating facts

She has christian tendencies but that’s not the same as a christian i have catholic tendencies but that doesn’t make me a catholic just because i say so. If you do not go to a religious place of gathering to worship you are not a christian nor can you be a catholic. Those titles are give to the believes in those churches and in the bible as the complete work of god to be fallowed with out doubt. to doubt is to judge the lord there for cause yourself to be condemned. Read the books close listen to the words and grasp what they actually intended from them It’s in a very harsh and direct language. It states hundreds of times give your life only to the lord for through him you will be saved.

Do not confuse the idea of being religious and being part of religion.They can and often are separate things but to the church to have one with out the other is still a sin. Note i said to the church.

AND DO NOT FOR A SINGLE SECOND THINK THAT I BELIEVE ANY ANY OF THIS. for i am a Heathen discribed in the book of the lord and choose only to study the religious aspects of man

Answer #19

The philosophies that great thinkers have developed throughout the centuries are what can guide people as they ponder how their lives should be lead.

Many of these guidelines have been incorporated (usurped?) by religions and given divine status. They are not divinely inspired, but that does not mean that the principles are any less useful.

I do not believe in any supernatural being or power, but that doesn’t mean that I am willing to ignore the (human) wisdom that is in SOME of the passages of various religious books.

Answer #20

I can see your point John. Christianity is a church based religion and not meant to live alone. however, the thief on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus promises this man that he will go to heaven . This man never went to church, and yet he is a Christian because he trusts in Jesus. But he still chose to go with a group of people. You can believe in God and Jesus but if not part of a church or group then it is open spirituality. Non-practicing christian. But still christian ;) a belief in christ, desire to know him, follow him, bend your will to conform to his, combined with repentace - makes you a christian. You can even watch church on TV and praise God in your home

Answer #21

I can see your point John. Christianity is a church based religion and not meant to live alone. however, the thief on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus promises this man that he will go to heaven . This man never went to church, and yet he is a Christian because he trusts in Jesus. But he still chose to go with a group of people. You can believe in God and Jesus but if not part of a church or group then it is open spirituality. Non-practicing christian. But still christian ;) a belief in christ, desire to know him, follow him, bend your will to conform to his, combined with repentace - makes you a christian. You can even watch church on TV and praise God in your home

Answer #22

Heathens: are generally defined as those who worship false gods. Heathens are truely contemp with what they do, “if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man” (Matthew 18:17 KJV)

Answer #23

I believe in a higher power, which may or may not be “God”. I believe in Hawaiian Gods and Tahitian Gods as well.

Answer #24

and your definition was suppose to make me think i was not properly inform on weather i was a heathen or not? i am a heathen trust me i know far more than you about religion. believing in Jesus doesn’t make you a christian nor does not being a christian mean you can’t go to the promise land of heaven under that ideal Catholics are all screwed. as are the jews

Answer #25

and your definition was suppose to make me think i was not properly inform on weather i was a heathen or not? i am a heathen trust me i know far more than you about religion. believing in Jesus doesn’t make you a christian nor does not being a christian mean you can’t go to the promise land of heaven under that ideal Catholics are all screwed. as are the jews

Answer #26

No im sure u know. It was put there for everyone else. And who s to say u know more than me? Do u know me personally? Demons believe in jesus but they arent gonna go to heaven nore does that make them a christian ;) u think im stupid. And did i ever say any of those things u are sayin? We dont really know for a fact do we? But can it hurt to believe in christ if we he is thr savior then ur saved. If not then ur still forgivin….bein a jew. I know its not these things that define whether or not ur going to heaven. Its many things. One thing is for certain. We are not perfect. But God loves us. And i love him. U sound like ur a demon haha. U probably dont know more than me about religions. I spend most of my time researching. But who’s to say…i dont really know u either. So u cant base ur decision on judgement.

Answer #27

U wont get to me. I no what ur doing. Ur ignorance amuses me

Answer #28

All you have to do is look around you and see that God is the creator. Do you think Science could create the different flowers? Animals? People? Science is not that creative and deliberate.

Answer #29

I agree there a very good morals and ideas for how to live your life in the Bible - but I don’t take it literal word for word.

Answer #30

I believe in higher powers; principally gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces. These 4 forces are the glue that holds everything from subatomic particles to the cosmos together and make everything possible.

Answer #31

yes i do see nature and the process of life and the evolution of the world to be done naturally. science don’t make anything other than plastic

Answer #32

I do, and you should see me arguing around here quite a bit about the topic of God since I looked into philosophy a year or two back.

Answer #33

For any of you who thought Constantine edited the entire bible at the council of Nicea its important to consider two facts, 1. Constantine Did attend the council but 2. He wasn’t accounted by anyone to be engaged in the putting together of the works even to an extent that he wasn’t speaking at all.

Answer #34

Yes I believe in God.

Answer #35

Yes I believe in God.

Answer #36

I never said Constantine, it just seems suspicious to me that the clergy purposefully kept scripture in a langue the average populous couldn’t read. Making it so that the only way people could hear the word of God was to have it read by said clergy, with no one able to verify if they were making it up on the spot.

Answer #37

I believe in a Creator, an intelligent energy that can and does at times make itself known to certain individuals. Im not sure if that force is a computer program, a flesh and blood being, an as yet unknown source of power and intelligence, or some inner working of the brain. I try to stay abreast of cutting edge physics research and theories because this is where the mysteries of our reality and our Universe are being seriously studied, and I think where the answer will ultimately reveal itself.

Answer #38

95% of the Population back then was illiterate, It wouldn’t matter which language they wrote it in.

Answer #39

Me like!

Answer #40

NOT if you mean religious things.

Answer #41

I’m not sure there is a higher power or not. Honest answer.

Answer #42

Allah almighty has the highest power in this world

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