wondering how to become a Mormon?

Hey there um I’m an athiest and I’m wondering how to become a Mormon … =] LOL There’s this girl I really really like and she like me back and I’m will to do this for her… Um will to belive in god again =]

Answer #1

I’m not afraid to admit I’m a mormon, and apparently, I must, for the world’s many misconceptions about my church are filling this board.

I do not support my church in everything, and question my leaders often, so don’t go calling me a groupy or advocate. I am not.

The process of joining is a somewhat lengthy one. First, you must attend a minimum of one meetings, I believe. Simultaneously, you must go through several discussions with the missionaries(whom, while I enjoy their company, I think would do better by going to college at their average age). Then, you must go through an interview with the Bishop, who is the head Priesthood authority of the ward or branch that you are attending. If you pass the interview(and I would not suggest lying, or you’ll regret it internally for life, trust me, I’ve had many), they’ll schedule a baptism for you, and once you are baptized and confirmed, you’ll be entered into the member database, and often, afterwards, will receive the office of priest in the Aaronic priesthood, the lesser of the two authorities in our church.

But I would not join just to marry your girl. Being a part of this church takes commitment and endurance, and, due to have been pressured to join at a young age, am currently questioning that commitment.

I know plenty of members who marry non-Mormon and non-religious people. The relationships(especially when children come into the picture) are a little strained, but I’ve watched many work past that.

Well, good luck, and make this choice for yourself and in honesty. THat’s all I can tell you.

*Mormons are Christians who also believe in … well I guess you could call it a third testament… but it’s more like a 5th gospel. The book of mormon supposedly describes a scenario where jesus came to the americas and witnessed to the indians.

I know it sounds sacreligious, but you can learn a little about it from the southpark episode about mormons.

so I guess you need to get yourself a book of mormon, read it, and go to a mormon church to convert. *

The process, nor our construction, are that simple. There are two many ignorant Christians who believe anything outside of the King James or New International transcripts is “sacrilegious”. There are even mormons who are very much the same with their books, and just as ignorant (in fact, I believe most Mormons are ignorant and unquestioning). I think that anything to better testify and supplement the scriptures is acceptable, such as the Dead Sea scrolls, and the other, non-Biblical sources out there.

But, not here to argue “Mormons” vs. “Common Christians”. There are many other places I can go to do that.

Answer #2

um sorry guy, I don’t think you can reeeaaly please this girl if your only doing it for her. I think you have to actually have to BE a morman or whatever… trust, this is from a girl :)

Answer #3

Hey morman poster..

I think you got a little to defensive after misreading my post… I’m not at all saying that mormons are sacrelig… I for one am a christo-independant, and I study all the books of the bible including the dead sea scroll compilation, the catholic bible, the gnostic gospels, as well as a collection of writings from st augustine other saints of the church, as well as the book of mormon… I admit that I haven’t read much about mormons, I just haven’t made it that far yet.

cause don’t you think it’s sacrelig to get religious information from south park? that’s what I was saying.

Answer #4

yeah you def shouldn’t change for her, change for yourself…

But if you like her, you should learn about the things she believes, and try to understand them from her point of view… I had this boyfriend once, who didn’t even try to understand, and he said my morals and ideals were childish and unrealistic. needless to say, that didn’t last long at all. he completely didn’t have any respect for me or my beliefs.

it will make her happy if you learned more about her religion even if it is just to understand where she comes from you know…

Answer #5

Sorry but mormons are not the third Christianity. They have perverted many doctrins of the bible. I will say that it isnt love to cheat religion to win somone over.

Answer #6

Thanks you guys ..wasn’t thinking when I sent her that message …hopefully shell think the same thing…it’s to much of a change for me anyways =\ and I guess she should like me for who I am.

Answer #7

Don’t change you religion or rather you lack of for anyone. If you do you’ll find that your lieing to yourself aging.

Answer #8

you have to really believe in god..not doing it for a girl

Answer #9

There are worse reasons for adopting a religion I suppose.

Good luck talking yourself into this.

Answer #10

Mormons are Christians who also believe in … well I guess you could call it a third testament… but it’s more like a 5th gospel. The book of mormon supposedly describes a scenario where jesus came to the americas and witnessed to the indians.

I know it sounds sacreligious, but you can learn a little about it from the southpark episode about mormons.

so I guess you need to get yourself a book of mormon, read it, and go to a mormon church to convert.

Answer #11

I wasn’t saying that mormons are sacreligious… I was saying that getting religous information from South Park is sacreligious.

Answer #12

Thank you for clarifying, alchemist. I apologize.

And do you care to explain your position, apologists? How have we, quote on quote, “perverted the doctrins(doctrines) of the bible(Bible)”? Because the way I see it, most Christian religions will say something based on one verse, and try to kill you for it when you find several verses that contradict that belief (not the verse) and prove them wrong.

I don’t see how we “cheat religion” anymore than the Lutherans, or the Puritans, or the Seperatists, or any other major protestant religion. Just because we aren’t a protestant religion ourselves and do not adhere to their common teachings(as we were formed around the 1830s, and weren’t protesting anything) doesn’t make our religion any less valid or Christian than yours. Are Catholics not Christian? Because, in your reasoning, you’re essentially saying that, correct?

I believe that Jesus Christ was born of divine origin, I believe he is the literal son of God, and I believe that through his grace, and by living his commandments to the fullest we imperfect human beings can, that we all will be provided a place by his side. I also believe that it is impossible for God, the Son, and the Holy Ghost to all be the same entity. I believe in a God-head consisting of three separate personages. This is one reason so many of you consider us invalid

Another thing why most of you have a hard time getting along with us. We(at least, this is how I interpret it) believe in the power of choice, and the consequences of the resulting actions. I decide whether I go to heaven(s) or hell by how I follow the commandments, not because I was predestined to go do something stupid or great.

So, flame all you want, but the fact is, we are considered a valid, Christian religion by the governments of the world, we believe in Jesus Christ, making us no less Christian than you, and we pervert the Bible with personal bias and propaganda about as(or sometimes, less) often than your common street-side pastor or preacher.

Though I do note condone the conditioning processes that most Christian(especially mormon) families put on their children at such a young age. Obey, don’t question your religion too much, and don’t stray away from the “straight and narrow path”. No wonder the country has had so few thinking men(and women) for the past century. A nation-wide questioning of the accepted religions isn’t all that bad, in my opinion.

And I also do not condone the early ages at which mormons expect a child to get baptized(8 is just too young to be morally aware, there are 10 and twelve year olds who aren’t fully aware in that respect. ) Though, even more so, I detest baby baptisms. Sprinkle a little water on them and automatically they’re going to heaven, without any choice in the matter? Bah.

Answer #13

I think it’s awesome you want to follow God again, but I think that you should do it because you WANT the Lord to lead your life, not for a girl.

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