Do you have advice for a 13-year-old who smokes?

I am 13 and smoking any advice?

Answer #1

Wise to stop now:

Most teens think they’re just experimenting – but the “experiment” often lasts for decades. As the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids reports, almost 90 percent of adult smokers started before they were 18. Teenagers tend to underestimate how addictive smoking really is: In one survey, only 5 percent of teen smokers said they expected to be smoking in five years, but eight years later, 75 percent were still smoking, according to Drug Topics journal. “Nicotine addiction is really a pediatric disease,” says Ron Todd, MSEd, director of tobacco control for the American Cancer Society.

Answer #2

i think you should try to stop.. we all smoke at the middle school, and yeah it’s fun and gets you popular with the other smokers, but you get worse at sports, and it gets harder to breathe. Believe me i started in 6th grade and now i really wish i stoped. stop stop stop STOP SMOKING!!!

Answer #3

don’t try and stop staright away. u can’t just stop, u have to gratuatly(however u spell that) stop. over time try and do a little less every time.

Answer #4

heres some advise, stop. I have a friend who smokes, she is fourteen and has rotten teeth and her breath always has a fould odour,

Answer #5

Stop. . . Think about how bad it taste. . . Google Lung Cancer and click images. . . . Not a pretty sight is it. . .

Answer #6

Above ^^

No she is not stupid.. Lots of people experiment and people are just generally curious. Calling one “stupid” is not going to help anyone. And smoking doesn’t necesarily lead to more hamful drugs.

But.. yes it would be wise to stop. There are too many down - sides to it. I know it’s really hard. Just cut down less and less gradually.

Im think I’m trying to stop as my new years resolution =P


Answer #7

You’re stupid to even exparement. Never smoke. Smoking leads to trying other drugs that even more harmfull to your body

Answer #8

stop smoking is groos nobody will kis you haha go by some nicoreet patches mate :)

Answer #9

Yes, stop it. you’ll smell nicer, have more money and live longer.

Answer #10

You should stop because, my mom and dad smoke and they are starting to get yellow nails, teath and they just look less attractive. And well, my friend just turned 16 and has smoked for about 4 months now and she is showing these signs too. Besides you can get lung cancer too. Good Luck! Hope you can learn to stop!

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