When is the best time to tell my Dad I'm having sex?

when do you think should be the best time to tell my dad I am havin sex wid my man?

Answer #1

lol some people just flip out at teenagers having sex. I lost my virginity when I was 13, big deal. It’s nothing special. In fact sex itself isn’t special. Making love is special, but there’s a big difference between having sex and making love.

I’d wait till you turn 16, it can’t be that far off. And it might actually be legal then depending on what state you live in. Michigan’s age of consent is 16, so at that point in time(if you lived here,anyway) you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone going to jail.

as a side note, it amazes me how many people get pissed when I say “the age of consent is 16 here”. I’ve had people try and swear up and down that if either party is under 18 then it’s illegal, I usually have to direct them to a wikipedia on age of consent, or the numerous websites that go into detail. Age of consent varies from state to state, a majority of the states being either 16 or 17. This usually has to do with the fact that people are usually physically matured more or less by that age anyway.

Answer #2

Lol, never?

But yeah I would definitely wait till you’re legally allowed. I hate to sound like someone’s mother, but make sure you’re using protection… I’ve been through way too many pregnancy tests and morning after pills with supposed “adults” who really should know better…

Answer #3

Well, you are 15 years old. So if you are having sex with a “MAN”, I suggest your dad takes you to the nearest police station to arrest the guy. Good luck!

Answer #4

well how old is this “man”: because you are young and you need to pay close attention to what you get yourself into. just becasue you have protectd sex doesnt mean the condom wont bust && if you are not having protected sex SHAME on you! I think it is your choice and nobody is going to change your mind if you are having sex, so if oyu choose to you need to be 100% open with your father. if you think you are an adult enough to have sex then you and your “man” both need to sit down and talk to your dad

Answer #5

like neva!! he could put him in jail!!


Answer #6

When she says her ‘’MAN’’ She means her Boyfriend… She’s Not Saying Hes Like 20 Years Older Then Her…LoL

Answer #7

I wouldn’t even tell him till you’re legal. bc he could have him arrested.

Answer #8

eh are you crazy never lmao !

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