Has anyone here had heart conditions at a young age?

Has anyone here had any heart conditions young ?

Answer #1

yeah I had to have heart surgery last year… but its mostly better now =] I pray everything goes ok for ya;ll

Answer #2

ohhh god thats awful. im having a holter monitor put on soon so we can get a better idea of whats going on so fingers crossed its not too bad…

Answer #3

I had to go to the ER for tachycardia. My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure why. I was only 24 at the time. I’m now 27 almost 28 and they’re still not sure why that happened. I now have a cardiologist who I see approximately every 6 months to a year.

I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was just diagnosed with type I diabetes. They’re not really sure why this is happening to me as I don’t fit the typical description of someone with all of these problems. I have no subcutaneous fat and I’m not overweight or eating extremely unhealthy.

They thought I may have had Familial Partial Lipodystrophy which I took a test for over a year ago and have yet to see the results.

I guess to make a long story short, yes. There have been cases of 25 year olds having heart attacks and such. I would just visit the doctor.

I was given meds to help my heart rate and my blood pressure and other problems.

Answer #4

I’m 17 and I have something weird with my heart valve that makes it beat early…it happens a few times a day, and it gets quite annoying.

Answer #5

I get hard heart thumps which hurts. and sometimes I here my heart beating but it goes away im just a parranoier :)

Answer #6

drink ginger juice everyday this will fix your problem

Answer #7

Maybe it is SVT supraventricular tachycardia. I had it but at around 38yrs of age.

Answer #8

Maybe it is SVT supraventricular tachycardia. I had it but at around 38yrs of age.

Answer #9

Maybe it is SVT supraventricular tachycardia. I had it but at around 35yrs of age. They used to massage under my jaw bones it used to drop instantly to normal 70 pulse. They put me on propanol but in the long run it did not work so I went through a heart procedure called ablation and ever since it has been corrected.

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