How come it's not good for your health if you're stressed out?

like what does being stressed out have to do with your health?

Answer #1

Stress causes higher blood pressure, panic attacks, heart problems, stomach problems and ulcers. It also weakens your immune system, cause irregular periods (in women) or impotence (in men), and that’s not to mention the obvious effects like headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and increased heart rate.

Answer #2

-Stress can cause chronic fatigue, digestive upsets, headaches, and back pain.

-Stress can affect the blood cells that help you fight off infection, so you are more likely to get colds and other diseases.

-Constant stress can increase blood pressure and can increase the risk for stroke.

-Stress can increase the danger of heart attacks, particularly if you are often angry and mistrustful.

-Stress can make an asthma attack worse.

-Stress triggers behaviors that contribute to death and disability, such as smoking, alcoholism, abuse, and overeating.

-Stress can lead to diminished sexual desire and an inability to achieve org.asm.

-Stress makes it harder to take other steps to improve health, such as giving up smoking or making changes in diet.

This website explains how stress affects the body really well - (This website was also the source of my answer.)

Answer #3

Because you might get road rage and crash, you might snap at someone who will snap back and oh yea, there is the possibility of hypertension which can cause headaches, nausea, heart attacks, ulcers, and even aneurysms.

Answer #4

Did you get stressed from reading what Colleen wrote since you are stressed about getting stressed?

Answer #5

Because your body is on constant fight or flight mode. Adrenaline kicks in etc. You get burnt out very quickly that way

Answer #6

Oh ok thank you :)

Answer #7


Answer #8

lol no O.O

Answer #9

I’m a hyper persom O.O & I’m a nervous person like today for example I was in class & my teacher was like Ruby I didn’t get to eat my bannana O.O (hes weird) and when he said Ruby I jumped up , O.o

Answer #10

thanks :)

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