
Hi I have a nine year old girl with shirley temple curls but its full of headlice eggs I’ve tried all shampoos sprays oils and I cant get rid of the eggs ,its as if they are amunened to all of the crap they try and sell.She wont let me cut her hair ,and I really dont want to. I’ve tried suffercating them worked for a day . I can control the lice its the eggs im sick of throwing my towels and bedding away ,we cant go visiting our friends,im so tired of them so please anyone out there has a solution for these vermin I would like to hear it. You would think all these professional chemist and chemical scientist could come up with something that would work.

Answer #1

Well, I had lice actually about 6 month or something ago. Don’t wash her hair twice a day if your using lice shampoo, but if your using normal shampoo then do. Use lice shampoo on a 7 day or more bases (don’t over do it or u’ll kill her hair). Everyday you must use the lice comb the solution probaly comes with. When you use the shampoo let it set for about 5-10 minutes. Try 2 not let her itch her head during this period. Make sure you get every strand of hair und the solution. Then wash it with most hottest water you can without it burning her. As soon as you wash out the solution (don’t use regular shampoo yet) comb every strand on her head (short hair would be easier) and when you catch eggs and lice, dip the comb into hot water to get them off. When your done let her take a shower (perferably not a bath so the loose eggs would fall down the drain instead off the water she is still bathing in) scrub her head good with the shampoo (normal shampoo) to loosen eggs that you didn’t get.

Fact: Lice like to lay eggs behind your ears and on the nape of your neck.

You might want to spray doen your house with some quality lice killing spray from the store. Hope this helps :)!

Answer #2

I think tea tree is excellent for lice do it with the condition put it on and then slide the comb in the hair try and use neat tea tree as well to try and kill them of don’t do it every day do it every other as eggs hatch every other day try and keep her hair in tight plates but I know how you feel my daughter has a afro and it is a nightmare hope you can get rid of the liitle pests

Answer #3

Here’s the thing people don’t know - lice in many areas actually ARE developing immunity to the lice shampoos and treatments.

Tea Tree Oil is something lice can’t tolerate, so as ‘crazy’ said, get yourself a Tea Tree Shampoo. Keep combing through with the nit comb to get rid of the eggs.

You don’t have to throw away your linens - just wash them in hot water and use the hottest heat setting on your dryer.

Make sure you’re being diligent…beds and couches have to be vacuumed…persistence is the key.

Answer #4

Just one more thing, are you sure she’s not being reinfected? Make sure she’s not coming into contact with whoever gave her the lice in the first place if that person could still have lice

Answer #5

What have you tried already?

Have you tried tea tree oil shampoo? It works well and putting LIQUID paraffin on her head will suffocate the lice and the eggs.

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