How can I get rid of this bad headache?

How can I get rid of this bad headache?

Answer #1

If you can…SLEEP! I get headaches, sometimes migrains everyday. I take 2 tylenol, and sleep it off. when my migrains get bad, I cnt even sleep!

Answer #2

Everything everyone above has said works. When laying down trying to relax, take nice long, steady breaths. Also depending on the headache, I’ve used either a really hot wash cloth or a heating pad over my eyes. It soothes and helps with the pounding.

Answer #3

just get you some good rest. a lot of people say don’t do that when you have a headache cause you may slip into a coma…a good nap works for me. or take ibuprofin(2 of em!)

Answer #4

nothing works on my headaches, except 2 excedrin migranes. and laying down in a cool room, no lights, no sounds. cold wash cloth on my forehead and trying to sleep.. I get them all the time.. they suck :(

Answer #5

If your in bright light or loud noises try getting away from that, also try drinking tea…tea cures headaches all the time.

Or try sleeping.

Answer #6

actually volleyballchick, you can and it works. I do it everytime I have one

Answer #7

omg I hate head aches nothing really helps me. :( :)

Answer #8

omg I have head aches nothing really helps me.

Answer #9

rbaybay2, you can’t take 4 ibproufin, you’ll get hurt. just take two hun!

Answer #10

take 4 ibuprofin and lay down

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