What happened to George Bush when he didn't find the lethal weapons he was looking for?

This guy made a war to find these weapons, but he didnt find anything and then he went and he was never punished for lying to the people. What do you think? tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

When no WMDs were found the mission changed from WMDs to bringing American style democracy to the Middle East. Then it was to fight the insurgency that threatened the new Iraqi government. George W Bush started an unprovoked war against another sovereign nation that posed no serious threat to us. More Americans died fighting in Iraq than in 9/11 so Bush has more blood on his hands than Bin Laden. George W Bush should have been tried as a war criminal. Unfortunately Nancy Pelosi immediately took that option off the table.

Answer #2

just an excuse to wage wars on Iraq, resulted killing of almost a Million… 1,OOO,OOO,OOO living human lives, & injuries are more. babies are born like monsters…etc also for oil…money

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