How to handle stress from having a terrifying quantity of work due tomorrow?

Answer #1

A break, with a cupcake or bath. You don’t have to do it in one go. You can let yourself breathe and relax. Get some juice or snack, keep up your energy :)

Answer #2

Omg I remmeber for my senior year of school, I had a huge report due on Egypt and it had to be 10 pages and all this research with pictures and whatever else you could think of. It was going to be a major grade and it was due in 2 days and I had nothing done. & I was working at the time. Omg I broke down crying so mnay times during it, I just didn’t know where to start, it was horrible I was thinking I should of never left everything to the end. lol But I did it lol. Then Just recently I thought that was bad. but this kid hes in college and he had a 30 page paper to do and then another 20 page paper to do and it was due the next day!!!! Omg he was up all night and giving updates hoe far along he was every couple hours lol… Now that I’ve went on and on lol You really just gotta breath and you gotta get yourself in that work mode. I’m not one for breaks cause it just gets me out of the mode and plus I have everything in my mind at that point and when I come back to it I ‘m gunna have to remember where I left off and get myself back into it.

Answer #3

Divide the work into several bite-size chunks before you get started, and then take them on one at a time. Drink some calming herbal (non-caffeine) tea, like chamomile. Set a timer to go off every 20 minutes, or every hour - whatever works best for you - to get up and move around, do some jumping jacks, get your blood flowing. And while you’re hard at work in between, don’t forget to breathe! {;^)

Answer #4

i used to be able to focus in and go into work mode people would literally ask me “how did you get all of that done?!” and i would answer i dont know i just did this year that has been not working especially recently, when my brain would normally kick into overdrive (in a good way) its been shutting off, and my mom will come over and literally have to like flick my nose to get me out of it (like grabbing my arm or calling my name doesnt even work) i know its stress shutting me down, but until this year this has never happened how do i stop like zoning out and get back to being able to super focus and accomplish things?

Answer #5

This just happened to me last night, what i did was work nonstop to just get it over with. And I had music playing. Once you finally finish, the stress will just roll off.

Answer #6

Bethany, the stress you’re describing is caused by something much bigger in your life than the work you had due a couple of days ago. What happened earlier in the year that might have led to this change? Sounds like you could benefit from learning some basic stress-reduction techniques - meditations, visualizations, relaxation exercises, etc.

Answer #7

Hayyim, nothing really big has happened in my life this year, no deaths or births, we didnt move, basically everything is the same. I almost wish something had happened so I would have an explanation for everything, but nope. Right now Im just figuring out a lot about myself as a person and well its not easy. So I have been really stressed out by all the other stuff i used to have no problem handling. The only issue I have with “meditations, visualizations, relaxation exercises, etc” (besides that I dont know them) is that they are time consuming. And time is something I do not have right now. So seeing as you seem familiar with them, do you think it would be beneficial in the near future (not just long term) to take the time to learn such strategies even though it would add onto my current level of stress?

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