Are hallucinations demonic?

I went to some of my friends to help me with my problem and they said my visions I saw and felt and the voices I heard were demons trying to communicate with me. I don’t have medical problems, drink or do drugs and I don’t play with magic.

Answer #1

My boyfriend used to have this… and one of my friends used to, too. I think it is slightly caused by your mentality, are you feeling depressed lately? Is something sad or stressful going on? You don’t have to answer - just think about it. :)… Also, their hallucinations went away when they started having good things happen in their lives.

In some religions, they are demons. In my religion, for example, they are. But they go away. They “feed” on negative thinking and thoughts, so my advice to you is to stay positive, force yourself if you have to. It can be difficult, but not impossible!

Answer #2

Well, it could be demons. I do believe they exist, from a christian stand point. However, I don’t wanna jump to that conclusion.

It could be stress you are under or something go on in your life that is causing this. My advice is to just try to relax and do some things you enjoy. Plus, it never hurts to pray… just in case. Good luck

Answer #3

Is your mind racing. Sometimes we cannot quiet our imagination and many intrusive images keep coming in and out. Some people get this visions at night while trying to go to sleep. If you have an iphone or similar device you can download a relaxation app that you can listen to and it will help you quiet your mind.

Answer #4

I do not believe in demons, so I’m going to go with “no” to your question of hallucinations being dmonic. Hearing voices or having hallucinations out of context is a sign of mental stress or disorder. If it is stress, you should seek help before it becomes a disorder. You should see a psychologist or psychiatrist, they will be able to sort this out in no time. I do not think you are crazy or abnormal and seeking help from profesionals, also does not mean you are crazy or abnormal. Getting help will keep you healthy and keep your life on track. Besides… What you are describing sounds kind of scary and if it were me I would really be fraked out and want it sorted out asap! Good luck hun! :-)

Answer #5

There is absolutely no evidence that demons exist. If you are having reoccurring hallucinations, you should seek professional help.

Answer #6

Thanks sooooo much for the advice. I’m so glad your boyfriend and friend are better now. Whenever I get hallucinations now, I think of something pretty, like flowers.

The scary voices, feelings and images go away eventually after that, but it takes 30 minutes to an hour. I hope they go away for good and not for just a day or two like they do now!

Answer #7

Thanks dear! I will seek out a professional, because there’s a lot of stress in my life.

Answer #8

I think my mind might be racing. I don’t get these visions just at night, but thanks for the advice for the devices. I’ll try to listen to relaxing music to help me sleep.

Answer #9

Yes, I think it’s stress that’s causing my visions. I’ll try to focus on things I enjoy, thanks. I do pray about it, but the visions come back eventually, so it’s pretty hopeless.

Answer #10

I will seek professional help. Thanks.

Answer #11

I’m glad they are going away! Another thing that might help… This is what my boyfriend used to do… He would think of the happiest moment that happened in his life. Something very personal to you or someone close like a great memory of your parents, a time where you felt perfectly at ease… And if you ever have bad thoughts that seem out of character, think of these things, too. It might make them leave faster. Anyway, it’s always good to think positive, even if nothing like this is happening in the first place!

I really hope things get better, and I’m glad I could help!

Answer #12

Thanks! I do get depressed sometimes, but not as much as I did as a teen. I think that good thoughts seem to help me, even though I’ll get a few hallucinations here and there. Thanks so much for your help. :)

Answer #13

I don’t think so.

Answer #14

No just means you may have skitzaphrenia. Also certain medications people take can cause hallucinations, my medicine causes me to see bugs and shadow people out of the corner of my eyes. lol

Answer #15

No, I don’t take medications. Thanks though.

Answer #16

All I know about hallucinations is it’s a lack of the B vitamins. Bad dreams or nightmares are a lack of vitamin B1. Not getting enough vitamins and minerals will cause your body to do strange things. Like if you don’t get enough vitamin E you can’t think straight or retain information. A down feeling so one has to have stimulants to feel normal. Stimulants rob one of the B vitamins and over tax the adrenals. Google vitamins and what they are for.

For instance magnesium is the second most important mineral for the body. If not enough your whole system will be imbalanced. Menstrual cramps in women is a sign of not enough magnesium. Low energy is a sign of not enough iodine. Many other things.

Answer #17

Thanks. :)

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