Gymnastics or Singing Lessons?

So I’ve been in gymnastics but I’m not really good and I’ve been having to miss a lot of it lately because I hurt my wrist. I’ve fallen behind in it. :( Anyway, I really want to sing, so should I quit gymnastics and do singing lessons or stick to gymnastics? Help?

Answer #1

I would stick w. gymnastics. but maybe you should do singing till your wrist gets better, if you love singing keep doing it, if you don’t llike it try gym. again

Answer #2

im going with singing. :) thanks everyone.

Answer #3

I would stick with gymnastics and work extra hard to catch up because thers like one in a mil. chance to get to b a famous singer or whatever. If my mom would have been richer when I was little I would have started at age 3 instead of age 8. I didn’t stick with it and now Im sorry.

Answer #4

thats it. I dont know which one I want more. and I have muscle and it just makes me feel fatter. XD

and no, I cant do both. one or the other. D:

Answer #5

whatever one you want to do the most. I say quit for a while and try singing and if that doesnt work then try gymnastics again. atleast wait til your wrist is all better.

Answer #6

which do you get more enjoyment out of? would you start gaining weight if you quit gymnastics? is there a way to do both? these are questions you must ask yourself

Answer #7

Then go with the singing.

Answer #8

If anything she’ll gain weight doing gymnastics. Why? Muscle. That isn’t the point though.

Answer #9

Which do you want to do more?

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