What is a good time span in between haveing children?

Answer #1

We did 4 years, that way we hope to have only one in college at a time.

Answer #2

it usally ranges from 2 years to 5 depending on the parents

Answer #3

Good idea

Answer #4

Yes I know, Have you seen the cost of school these days.

Answer #5

I think 3 years is a good age. My sister and me are 3 and a half years apart and it’s good because we used to be able to play the same games, watch the same TV shows etc. Some of my friends have siblings that are like 7 years apart. They will never bond if they are so far apart- you never have anything in common with the older/younger one and them you end up resenting them for getting more attention from mum and dad. I think 2 or 3 years is good.

Answer #6

Yes I have I’m payin now for my own education

Answer #7

2 to 3 years apart is ideal. That way theres enough space in between them so that you dont have two children in diapers, drinking from bottles, etc at the same time and also because they wont be too far apart to not have a bonding childhood. Me and my brother are 8 years apart…i hardly knew him growing up and resented it because i was always left babysitting him since i was older. We have a good relationship now but we missed out on bonding as children because of the age gap. I have a 2 year old and am currently expecting. He will be almost 3 by the time his sister is born. To me it was perfect timing. By the time his sister will be here, hes potty trained, not on a bottle, not sleeping in a crib, and is at the age where he can kind of help but isnt too old to where he wont bond with her.

Answer #8

Well the military paid for my school, but my wife has 80K in school loans, so I feel you.

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