Does anyone know some good books about astral projection (and lucid dreaming) and the theories behind it?

Answer #1

I don’t really know any books to suggest, except there is a book by Sylvia Brown about dreaming which is quite good. It explains the different types of dreams and why we dream etc. Online would be your best bet to find specific information.

Answer #2

hmm… thia is gonna sound rly stupid but.. i have a book. Grimoires guide for the apprentice wizard o.O it a long time ago. anyways.. there is a part of it about astral projection

Answer #3

I’m looking for more of a… technical analysis of it . More like a… Why does this world? I want to try it because I because I feel that it could be a great source of enlightenment.

Answer #4

A really good book is The Magick of Crystals: A Guide to Mastering Astral Projection by Lillian Bradley

Answer #5

The Magick of Crystals: A Guide to Mastering Astral Projection is a really good book which is easy to use too.

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