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Why are girls so self-conscious about their looks?
Why do girls are so conscious of their looks?
Because most of us compare ourselves to women in the media. We all want to be skinny, we want perfect skin, perfect hair etc. And when we look at ourselves after looking at those women, we’re not happy with our appearance because we don’t have perfect skin or hair or a perfect body. We try so hard to look pretty, and I suppose we get caught up with all of that stuff and we start worrying about how we look. I might just be speaking for myself, but I’m sure this is how most girls feel.
beciase us girls have the most to lose
Natural desire to be accepted….
So true.
i dont know sometimes its annoying but i do think people should care what they look like
they shouldn’t be i mean its who there are and yolo
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do square faces look ugly on girls? - 2 Answers
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Do guys think it looks good for girls to have a lip piercing??
How to make my hair look like a girl? - 3 Answers
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How do I stop being self-conscious? - 3 Answers
I'm always really negative about my appearance. sometimes I dont want to go out because I am so jealous of all my friends, th...
Does my naval look good in my pictures? - 2 Answers
in my pictures does my navel look good? be honest
Lip Piercings Looks Good On Girls? - 5 Answers
Do You Think A Piercing On The Bottom Of Your Lip Looks Good On Girls? xxx
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