Games similar to Chutes and Ladders or CandyLand?

My two kids play these games a lot - Chutes and Ladders, as well as CandyLand. Thing is, as a parent, I play with them every day almost…and I really would like a bit more variety. I think they would, too. Before they acquired CandyLand, they had been playing Chutes and Ladders sometimes twice a day - but at least once a day - for over a month.

Are there any other games that are educational and fun for three and five year old boy’s that you’d recommend? Ideally, something similar to either one, as I’m sure it’d be a big hit with them!

Thanks in advance.

Answer #1

and connect 4 is BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

Answer #2

go to near stores in you area that might also help

Answer #3

i dunno if its educational, but monopoly is good (would it be good for teaching them how to add?) and wen i was little, i loved sorry and yahtzee/or yahzee. you throw dice and try and get certain combinations, for each combination, you get a cetain number of points. add up the points at the end and the winner is the one with the most number of points. its really good fun.

Answer #4

Try Go fish or perhaps twister, that might be fun if they know their lefts from their rights :) Disney has a bingo game that might be fun or perhaps connect four.

Answer #5

well i watch alot of kids im watchin a 5 year old now she got over 30 games disney princess got a couple good ones she got operaction,checkers(kinda hard) well for her anywayz she got princess monoply she got tuns more well i hope i helped

Answer #6

As a parent you always want to open your child up to new and different experiences which help to get them thinking outside of the box among other things. In your case try bringing home 2 or 3 new games that all require different skills whether it be a physical game, mental game, puzzling game, or chance game. This will target different areas of their mind and offer them more game choices for play time.

Take into account the age requirement, because often times children might be intimidated by a game that is more advanced than what they are learning, for example money counting or strategic planning. If you follow the age requirement, they practice what they are learning is school and are not finding the game too challenging or intimidating.

Try games like Sorry, Pictionary Junior, Apples to Apples Junior and Trouble are fun for kids and adults. Have Fun!!

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