What are some games I can play with my 6 year old sister since she won't stop bugging me that she's bored?

Answer #1

Hide and seek. :-)

Tell her to go hide, you count to ten, and then you go watch TV or read a book or something. :D

Answer #2


Answer #3

Get some playing cards, shuffle them and place them all face down and play pairs. One of you turns two cards over and if they match (they are both a 4, or both a Queen, for example), then you get to keep them and have another go. If they do not match then it is the other person’s turn and they get to turn over two. Keep going until you have paired up every single card and count up who has the most pairs and wins. You could also play Snap and Go Fish which are both easy enough for a 6 year old :)

Otherwise, can you set her up with some paper and felt tips or crayons and maybe talk through her favourite story with her (a fairytale she likes, like Cinderella) and tell her to draw her favourite part of the story. Then stick he picture on the fridge when she is done. If you have some paints, then you could finger paint with her- just make sure you lay down some newspaper or an old cloth underneath you both. Also good, is folding a piece of paper into three, like you would with a letter for putting it in an envelope. On the top section of three, one of you draws a head. Fold it over, so you can’t see it, then the other one should draw a body on the midle bit. Fold it again and then the person who drew the head draws some legs on the last part. Unfold it and you have a funny monster. Encourage her to draw funny things, like an animal’s head and things, to help her creativity and to make funny pictures.

Answer #4

teach her how to play solitaire. It’s a card game you can play by yourself lol

Answer #5

Call her “Secret service agent” and do the “observe the neighbors home” game. That is, tell her to observe what the neighbors are doing and if any of it might be bad, suspicious or illegal. Print a secret service ID-badge and give her binoculars. And then she must report it to you, (you are the “secret service special agent with extended authority” or some other weird title)… when she reports, pretend to write it down and ask additional questions. “So Mrs Miller came home in her van? Did you see whether she transported anything? Go back to the window and check whether she bought anything suspicious, agent!”

Most of the time, nothing will happen at all. And she’ll have to sit and wait. :-)

Answer #6

Get her some finger-paint or play-dough or something similar and let her have fun.

Answer #7

there are a lot of things you an do with your sister when i was little my two big sisters emily and selena would play baby dolls with me it kept me occupied and now i do the same wth my little sisters cylie and mariea trust me playing games like house and babies help get kids ready for their future and it gives them a game that they can really like and besides shes your little sister she just wants to spend time with you and act like a “big kid”

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