How to make friends when you have no social skill?

Answer #1

thats a good question online computer friends are easy but if you mean face to face friends then just sort of start talking to someone not about personal things but movies you like, music whatever comes to mind.

Answer #2

Just look at em and smile once in awhile. Be patient. If someone approches you, just be cool and let them talk first. Listen to them. Engage them with conversation when it feels like the right time to do so. Don’t be nervous, just be cool and see if it grows little by little, that’s the best way to build a friendship.

Answer #3
  1. Realize that deep inside everyone is afraid of everything and they are as crazy as you feel you are.
  2. Listen and talk about them. Everybody likes that.
Answer #4

thats a little like me if you have a facebook send people you know barely friend reqests and just start talking to them on facebook for a while and you guys will end up talking besides on facebook then ask them if they want to hang out sometime and there! you have a friend! thats what i did!:)you can talk to anyone on here too mostly everyone is super nice:) i hope you will make more friends!i know what its like to have no friends for a while. good luck!

Answer #5

You can also join a school group or club, which will give you a natural subject to talk about.

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