Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?

Answer #1

forgotten. i don’t ever want someone to cringe at the sound of my name or the thought of it.

Answer #2

either way i wouldnt care but id rather be hatefully remembered, like hitler.. without the mass genocide because of peoples race. Ill have mass genocide of people that are hateful =D.

Answer #3

I would rather be forgotten, then hatefully remembered. cough cough like Hitler

Answer #4

I’d rather be forgotten. People who are hatefully remembered usually are so because they’ve done something horrible to someone or something, which I quite rather would not like any part in.

I’d rather live happy and peacefully, not impacting anyone badly.

Answer #5

i would rather be forgotten cause if someone hates me forever other people could find out and hate me then the whole world would know me as a hateful person and that would suck sooo forgotten … :)

Answer #6

Forgotten. I dont care what happens to my name after i am gone. I just dont want it to harm my family. The future generations will get targeted if my name was hatefully rememberd.

Answer #7

Dead is dead, that’s it. Honestly, I wouldn’t care what happens to me or what people think about me or what happens to my body once I die.

Answer #8

Hatefully remembered! haha

Answer #9

I would want to be forgoten. I do think i could be okay with some one remebering me as the person who wrecked their life or something terrible like that.

Answer #10

Who cares? If you are dead, then it absolutely doesn’t matter what people think of you.

Yet I don’t think I would want to make people hate me while I live.

Answer #11

Both r hard. But i would rather be forgotten than hated cuz people who hate who tend to try to make your life worse. Vs. They dont give a $hit to go out of their way for you.

Answer #12

hatefully remembered

Answer #13


Answer #14

Deffenitly forgotten.

Answer #15

U people r depressing. Period!!

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