Which do you think is worse - female bullies, male bullies, or do you think they're equal?

Answer #1

Females r meaner bullies

Answer #2

FEMALE! People think just because guys are “stronger” they are fine and aren’t hurt by bullies. Girls can get away with a lot more too. But I don’t care what people i disrespect or hate think now so it doesn’t matter. But when in elementary they terrorized and never got caught.

Answer #3

they say male bullies can punch but female bullies can be downright cruel

Answer #4

more female. they say guys cant hit girls, when they do it themselves. they use it to their advantage.

Answer #5

Bullies are billies, they pick on the weaker because they are all cowards and afraid to pick on equals

Answer #6

They tend to be different. Boys tend to be physically abusive while girls tend to be emotionally abusive.

Answer #7

I would say female, people think that males are more intimidating but i just laugh at them when they try and act ‘cool’. Females are far more bitchy and have more friends that wont like you either, females are definately worse!

Answer #8

I would say female, people think that males are more intimidating but i just laugh at them when they try and act ‘cool’. Females are far more bitchy and have more friends that wont like you either, females are definately worse!

Answer #9

Have to agree with most people - female. They use more physiological and emotion abuse to bully ppl from my experienced. Its harder to spot emotion abuse as apposed to punching someone - that males are more fond of. So the bullying continues without being caught. Plus girls just seem to be so much better and conniving and plotting - so much more indirect that is harder to deal with.

Answer #10

Girls I think r the worst.. Although everyone is different over all girls are nastier.. I think both are really bad but gilrs are very abusive and can really be spitful and really hurt u a lot more than a couple bruises from being punched.. They can drive you to hurt urself even sometimes… :(

Answer #11

female bullies for sure, they may not be physical, but girls use words like knifes and they know right where to stab.

Answer #12

female bullies for sure, they may not be physical, but girls use words like knifes and they know right where to stab.

Answer #13

Females. We can be pretty bitchy sometimes.

Answer #14

Females. We can be pretty bitchy sometimes.

Answer #15

Females. We can be pretty bitchy sometimes.

Answer #16


Answer #17


Answer #18

female bullies

Answer #19

females cause guys can hurt u but then itll be over with girls tend to keep grudges

Answer #20

Male bullies who bully girls. I do think they’re equal, though. Equal pieces of s/hit with no self esteem other than making people feel like nothing about them is important.

Answer #21

Thats a generalization… bullies are bullies lol

Answer #22

According to me it’s the females.They are often overly offensive,abusive etc.But most of the times when female bullies are wrong they aren’t punished just for the reason that they are females.Females are often very nasty and most of them take advantage of the fact that guys don’t use their hands on them.Female bullies often use bad slangs too.It’s not that male bullies are very innocent they can be very nasty too,but my vote definitely goes to the female bullies.

Answer #23

There are honestly more physical fights between girls at my school, not gunna lie.

Answer #24

I def think females, girls can be very cruel with words. and we have the nails to scratch and we pull the hair ha anything to bring the other person down.

Answer #25

females are worse, men mainly is just physical. females though they do emotional and mental damage and try to ruin your life. sometimes it even goes physical to. When it comes down to it, whether your male or female, bullying is wrong. And people never really know how bad there hurting other people. If people could learn to talk to each other instead of assuming things, it would go a lot better in this world.

Answer #26

Both are equally bad. Boys can be just as mean as girls. I know from experience. People bullied me at school. There’s really no difference. They all suck.

Best way to get rid of bullies is go to a different school. Or, if you can’t…. never believe what they say about other people (they also lie about you, so just don’t believe anything they say) and find other folks who are also victims of bullies. Mostly… everyone they tell you bad things about. And then go near them and try making them your friends. And defend them when they are target. After a while, they will defend you.

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