Do you think the FDA is doing their job?

Answer #1

Yes, but they are too passive. They need to make their standards more strict. Ultimately, people rely on everything they say, that is just society, they believe every this agency approves of, is healthy.

Answer #2

That depends on how you look at it. Yes they follow a set of guidelines for reporting purposes. But no…it doesn’t usher in any sense of security when they approve things like Vioxx only to pull it off the shelves after a rash of heart attacks on a meds supposedly tested and approved. For me personally, the FDA monitors consumer consumption of big pharma meds and only removes them when it kills enough consumers (after so called testing for safety) . Besides I think it’s humorous that smoking ads which were banned because of health hazards were then replaced with pharmaceutical commercials that have a major totality record. Advertising meds , that will stop the itch, but side effects can be kidney/liver failure, heart attacks, etc. Just seems laughable to me how they consider one any better then the other in causes of death

Answer #3

Yes, but not that the best like the way they should have done.

Answer #4

I do , but to an extent , I don’t . I was watching The Doctors not too long ago , & they actually allow chicken plants to wash the chicken in 10 to 20 times the amount of chlorine found in a pool , then shoot it w/ salt water , (unhealthy) .& they allow meat companies (mostly hamburger meat) to wash their meat in amonia , causing it to turn into ‘pink slime’ . It’s disgusting , I don’t know much about it , but I do know that to a certain level , it isn’t safe , yet they allow it to be sold at fast food resturants & schools

Answer #5

**Ignore this , it was meant for a question similar to this one , & I got the two mixed up . Sorry .

Answer #6

**Ignore this , it was meant for a question similar to this one , & I got the two mixed up . Sorry .

Answer #7

but this is very interesting im glad you posted it i might check more into it!

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