r fat people attractive

r fat people attractive

Answer #1

sometimes “fat” people can be just as attractive as “skinny” people. It depends on the indivduals confidence, personality and the face structure. weight shouldnt be an issue

Answer #2

Some, yeahh. But fattness doesn’t really bother me. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Answer #3


people see different things in differnt people and some don’t care about weight. Like me I don’;t really care Unless I’m afraid they will be abusive to me and I could see then hurting me.

Answer #4

fat people unite!!! all depends on the person, one mans trash is another mans treasure!

Answer #5

They can be, confidence is attractive so as long as they have that they’re good to go.

Answer #6

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are a lot of people in the world who find “a little extra” very attractive.

Answer #7

nope. im fat and im ugly. guys think I am I weight 120lb.s and my height is 4’11 im hella overweight so yeah no guys like me

Answer #8

Some fat people are attractive.. I have to admit that many guys prefer average or skinny figure.. To many, fat people are greedy and “oily”. Many people often critisize fat people. However, if a person who is kind hearted and know how to smile and communicate, it should not be a problem for he or she to be attractive.

Its totally not true that all guys dislike or hate fat people. In this world, there are many fat people who is happily married or in a relationship with beauties or hunks. Its a matter of heart I suppose.

In the beginning, people may look down on fat people. But once they know more deeply, they will eventually find that fat people can be attractive too. Provided the fat people must be attractive.

Answer #9

You know you could ask the same question about skinny people. What guy or girl wants to see someone with bones poking out? That’s disgusting. A healthy weight and curves is probably the most attractive but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What’s fat and ugly to you isn’t to someone else…just like what’s skinny and boney to someone isn’t to someone else. Besides, just because someone is skinny doesn’t mean that she’s pretty or a good person. Having an ugly personality will override the best body in the world.

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