How do you use a face primer, eyeshadow primer and a face highlighter?

Answer #1

primers always go on before foundation.

Answer #2

I just got a face primer for Chirstmas. But anyway becuase it’s a primer that ALWAYS goes on 1st (unless you don’t you the primer as a moisturizer, then that would go on 1st). The primer is used to prepare the skin for the makeup application, pamper the skin and create a protective base for longer- lasting, natural looking foundation application and wear. Now a Face Primer is used for your entire face. The Eyeshadow Primer is Just for your Eyes. A Face Highlighter is almost like a bronzer. You use it on your check bones and jaw line. To Highlight your face.

Answer #3

this is the order: primer, foudation, face highlighter then you can do eye makeup, blush, ect

Answer #4

I know.

Answer #5

then why did you ask?

Answer #6

I asked how to put them on, like what to do, not what order it goes in lol.

Answer #7

I use highlighter along upper cheek bones, and then bronzer or blush to contour underneath. I also use highlighter along the bridge of my nose, and under my eyebrows. I dont really use primer so i cant help with that sorry

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