Answer #1

Im in 8th…sadly… i was held back. but its pretty much like 7th, except at my school you get more privileges and stuff. oh and u get to go to DC :)

Answer #2

My eighth grade experience was mostly getting prepared for highschool. I don’t know what your districts schools are like, but the main transition from middle to high school was 1) Focusing more on colleges/high school diploma. 2) More diagnositic test 3) Different classes available (Not the basic music, art, P.E.) In eighth grade, you should expect more pressure for highschool, the teachers will expect you to be prepared in every way possible. Also, in eighth grade, I remember they expect for you to not slack on your school work.

Answer #3

8th grade its probably the grade in middle school where you are going to care less about studies, tired of ur middle school cuz ur sick of the 6th and 7th graders cuz ur more mature now or at least u think..and u will be ready to go to high school soon

Answer #4

oh okay thank you:)

Answer #5

ohhh… well i was wondering if u can tell me, what r the supplies you will need to be prepared for 8th grade? :)

Answer #6

i’min eigth grade, and in my scholll i have a hole lotta drama!!/:

Answer #7

ha true i mean it IS middles school hah

Answer #8

garde eight isn;t much different form 7.. except in my school you’re the older kids there so that’s deffinetly a bonus.

Answer #9

Its different for every school. they should have given you a list

Answer #10

ohhh, nope i guess they did a bad job :/ .!

Answer #11

expect the best ! make it the best u can, and make it last, because this is probably gonna be one of the best years of school.. ur the oldest group of kids at your school, u should feel at the top, cuz when u get to highschool, ur not gonna be the oldest till u hit gr 12 i know it was my favourite school year so far :)

Answer #12

i guess so…weird

Answer #13


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