Is it better to exercise at night or in the morning?

Answer #1

I heard it was better in the morning.

Answer #2

If you do it late evening you will have built up energy that makes it hard to fall sleep becuase of the stimulous.

Answer #3

In the morning

Answer #4

I like to exercise in the morning and at night. Ill usually do 400 jumping jacks before bed because it helps boost your metabolism as you sleep which normally slows down. If you exercise in the morning it helps your metabolism work better throughout the day as well.

Answer #5

Well I would say that ir depends on the the person. Some people have busy squedules so they do it when it fits in best. Some people like the morning because it gives them the energy they need to start off their day. Then again, some people preffer the night because its a way of getting the stress of the day out, & making them tired & fall sleep faster. I would say the morning, for a fresh, & active start. At the end what fits you is the best.

Answer #6

moring because when u exerice it wakes u up so if u do it at night u will be awake all night long

Answer #7

It’s actually good to do 15 minutes of cardio in the morning and at night, split it up so your metabolism keeps going.

Answer #8

at night because less bother.

Answer #9

In the morning, that way you’re more awake. If you exercise at night you risk not getting a good sleep.

Answer #10

in my opinion it would be in the morning bcuz then u feel awake for the day, also scientists show that if you excersise b4 bed you cant fall asleep, i tried it just bcuz and they r rite i couldnt fall asleep soo i work out in the morning

Answer #11

in my opinion it would be in the morning bcuz then u feel awake for the day, also scientists show that if you excersise b4 bed you cant fall asleep, i tried it just bcuz and they r rite i couldnt fall asleep soo i work out in the morning

Answer #12

This is a very opinionated answer.

Research has shown higher production of testosterone in the afternoon, thus making it better to gain muscle/burn fat in the afternoon or late evenings as compared to the mornings.

My advice, listen to your body. Your body adapts very quickly to habits, so if you prefer to train in the morning, then your body will respond better in the morning instead of afternoon workouts.

I’ve trained in all times of the days, from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. time periods and I’ve always had the same results in both extremes of the time. The key is consistency. As I said before, your body adapts to your habits. Train when you feel motivated to workout.

Answer #13

But what I’d yor body id Though erong

Answer #14

exercise in the AM keeps your metabolism boosted throughout the day, it’ll burn your meals off quicker and help you sleep at night because by the time the end of the day rolls around your system is shutting down. exercise at night raises your heart rate right before bed, making it harder to sleep and burns calories for a shorter period of time because your system obviously slows down as you sleep.

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