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Does the pill make you emotional?
hi, I’ve been on the pill for a month and a half, and I always feel so sad, and I cry quite a lot no, I did cry a lot before, but its just kinda more noticable now, I do it everyday, and always when im with my mum + dad, because I cant hold it in, im not very happy, but have never been really happy, I was just wondering if it is anything to do with the pill? and if any of you have stories of what happeneed to you when you went on the pill, just so you know the one im on is called, ‘dianette’ and it’s mainly to stop skin from being greasy but also acts as a contraceptive pill, x
Well it may be making whatever the problem is worse… So you may want to talk to your doctor about that… Also, generally when parents hear self diagnoses, they tend to take you less seriously… You may not even need antidepressants, but just talk therapy… So, I suggest you tell your mother how you’re feeling, and then ask to talk to someone (therapist, doctor etc). If they suggest the antidepressants, it might be different. And lots of people are depressed who have no particular thing wrong in their life. So, it’s not silly and it’s not fake. There’s no good reason you need to feel the way you do when someone may be able to help.
birth control pills could have altered your mental state but if it were the pills, why did you alsoo cryy before you got on the pill and yy is it always around you parents that you can seem to hold it in.?? has something happened with them such as talking divors or a just fightt.? I thinkk that from the sounds of it your depressed. my entiree familyy suffers from depression. so your not alone and you can get helpp. talk to your parentss you seem to be pretty confortable around themm… but if you juss want to keep it more private you can get help at http://www.dbsalliance.org/index.h t m l. <—not really spaceingg there.* or call 1-800-826-3632. really hopee I couldd havee helpped.
thankyou, and yeah you have, I thought I might be depressed but felt silly for thinking that and this morning I kept crying and I was hugging my mum, and I said I feel as if I nee to go on anti-depressents or something like that, and she was just like nahyoull be fine :/ but its strange cause not much has gone on, like my mum and dad are married and happy. :/ thankyou though :) x
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