What is the effect that media has on public opinions?

Answer #1

It’s pretty much brainwashing. With the media, viewers are so influenced by what they see they begin believeing whatever they see is right and/or true. One example would be crime rates with Statistics Canada (I’m Canadian ) XD. Anyways, the way the media portrays the crime rates, it seems like violent crimes are increasing and so the viewers, believing this demand more laws and harsher punishments. With this, the police are able to get more funds to hire and politicians can use such fear for their own gain by making bills like Bill C10. Or a more simple example, teenagers seem to copy celebrities and adapt the same partying life-style. Perhaps it’s not on purpose, but it definitely is subconcious.

Answer #2

*Oh and I meant to say that according to Stats Canada, violent crime has decreased in the past years.

Answer #3

Kids think it’s cool to get pregnant because they know they could possibly become semi famous because of it!

Answer #4

I could’nt have answered that any better. Great answer. I might add that at one time in history, the media was sort of a ‘service” but now it’s a buiseness. It is VERY influential and they know it. How sad that most people believe everything they see and hear without a second thought. The media can and will put any sort of ‘spin” on anything, in any way they choose and get away with it no matter what. They are not to be trusted

Answer #5

Oh yes. It’s considered the forth estate to serve the people and is supposedly objective but really, it’s to serve politicians and businesses

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