Welcome to the home of Accessible Media Inc. We believe in an inclusive society where media is accessible to all Canadians & strive to be a leader in the field.

About Accessible Media Inc.

Who we are

At ami.ca, we are Accessible Media Inc., a company dedicated to providing media accessibility for all Canadians. We believe in creating an inclusive society where individuals of all abilities can access and enjoy media content. Our goal is to be a leader in the field of media accessibility, ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to engage with the content they love.

What we Do

Our team at ami.ca works tirelessly to make media more accessible for individuals who are blind, partially sighted, or have other disabilities. We provide audio descriptions for television programs and movies, ensuring that those with visual impairments can fully experience the content. We also produce original programming that highlights stories and experiences from diverse communities, including individuals with disabilities. From informative documentaries to entertaining talk shows, we offer a wide range of engaging content that is accessible to all Canadians.

Why you should use us

Choosing ami.ca means supporting a company that is committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in media. By using our services, you are helping to create a more accessible society where everyone can participate in the cultural conversation. Whether you are looking for audio-described content or unique programming that celebrates the experiences of different communities, ami.ca has something for everyone. Join us in making media more inclusive and accessible for all Canadians.

What can you ask?

  • How can I access audio-described content on ami.ca?
  • What types of original programming does ami.ca produce?
  • How can I support the mission of Accessible Media Inc.?
  • Are there opportunities to get involved with ami.ca as a volunteer?
  • Can I suggest ideas for new content or programming on ami.ca?

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