Is it okay to eat cat food or will it make you sick?

Answer #1

I’m sure you can’t eat cat food…

Answer #2

Yes, it will probably make you sick. Why would you want to eat cat food? Unless you are starving to death, and have nothing else at all to eat. Don’t eat cat food. Use some common sense.

Answer #3

why would anyone want to eat cat food in the firt place?

Answer #4

Ah well I don’t think it would make u sick cause they do give it to anotha living thingy. They wuldnt make food that makes cats sick? But you probably shouldn’t be living on the stuff. its prolly not all that good 4 u. But I doubt it’ll make u sick. But ahh y wuld u wanna eat cat food? Lol not judging jus alil curious :P

Answer #5

Ya you can eat catfood you can eat all animal food canned especially because it pre coked and preserved

Answer #6

why would you want to?, go get yourself a can of chicken of the sea

Answer #7

I’m just curious about what it tastes like.

Answer #8

I’m just curious about what it tastes like.

Answer #9

I’m just curious about what it tastes like.

Answer #10

I’m just curious about what it tastes like.

Answer #11

You can taste cat food and be fine just dont eat a lot, i’ve eaten cat food fish food dog food you name it haha and i’m perfectly fine :)

Answer #12

The sad truth is, a lot of elderly people on very tight budgets live on cat food because it’s cheaper than regular food…yes, you can eat it, and it won’t harm you, but living on it isn’t the best idea as it is missing a lot of nutrients that humans need for survival.

Answer #13

It tastes like cat food. Smell it, it basically tastes like it smells.

Answer #14

The health standards for pet foods are different from for foods sold to feed people. In a lot of ways pet food is held to a higher standard than people food because it isn’t cooked before being consumed.

Because pet food is cheaper some people, especially the elderly do eat it.

While pet food shouldn’t hurt you I wouldn’t recommend it.. If money is tight beans and rice is cheaper, healthier, and more filling.

Answer #15

First you should ask yourself, “Am I a cat?”.

Answer #16

why not? no law saying so. ive eaten it.

Answer #17

i would say try it. but not as a meal. like colleen said not the daily nutrients you need. its for a cat. but i would say wet dog food is better. especially purina dog chow. oh man i ate half a can if was good but ridiculous at the same time. just a one time thing, DO IT.

Answer #18

what kind of question is that? I guess it isn’t poisonous but I suggest u stick to human food. It is healthier and probably tastes a whole lot better!

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