What is the best/easiest way to clean window blinds?

(the horizontal type mini blind type)

Answer #1

The best ive found is to take them down and rinse them in the shower then lay them down on towels to dry. Its not the easiest way but it cleans them the best. Another way we clean ours when i dont feel like taking them down is with dryer sheets taped to a ruler (weird i know) but it collects the dust instead of making it fly everywhere and it keeps them from getting dusty as fast.

Answer #2

Thanks. These one need a seriously scrubbing. I was trying to wash them slate by slate today and just wasn’t getting anywhere. I’ll put them in the shower tomorrow! : )

Answer #3

put them in the hot tub full of hot water and get these wipes they should have them n any grocery store and once there hot take them out and wipe them with the whipping sheets and u should get pretty good result after:)

Answer #4

The easiest way I’ve found is by putting them in the bath tub, soaking them in warm water to loosen the dust, then rinsing them off. After they’ve been washed up, there’s a cute blind duster you can purchase that does a great job: http://funadvice.com/r/bemgsfsv13i

That combination does the trick for us.

Answer #5


Answer #6


Answer #7


Answer #8

I agree with simplychallenging advice - that is exactly the way I cleaned some metal venetian blinds that had been up for at least eight years without being cleaned. It worked a treat, and they came up almost like new.

Answer #9

For quick cleanups in between full cleanings, I like to use a vacuum’s reach wand with the bristle/ brush-like extension and just quickly go over each blind. This technique works great for dusting anywhere in your home…I love it because it doesn’t just move dust around, it actually gets rid of it as it vacuums it all away!

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