Dyed hair faded fast

I dyed my hair 10 days ago a medium golden brown. My hair is naturally medium brown and often turns red/orange from the sun. I used clairol Perfect 10 in med golden brown. It turned out really dark brown w/red tones. After a few washings and being out in the sun, it has now turned an auburn red on top of my head and where the sun hits and a medium brown everywhere else. What can I do just to get it back to a brown. I don’t want too dark brown though, it makes my skin look washed out. Yet, the red makes my skin look yellowish. Should I try one of those Brass free kits in light brown or try dying it a medium neutral/natural brown? I can’t use anything with ASH, it turns my hair black every time.

Answer #1

So, instead of clairol should I switch to a different brand? I have an event coming up on Wednesday, & would really like to have this fixed before then. I live in a small town of under 8000 people and the salons here don’t have a color specialist. The nearest place that does is over an hour away, so I’m looking for something I can do at home. Which means, no color correctors. I don’t feel comfortable stripping my hair of the color. I guess I forgot to mention in the first post that the “stylist” I go to for haircuts suggested I put lemon juice on it to lighten it up. I’m assuming that’s what has brought out the mismatched auburn color.

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