What dog would be good for me?

My dad said he’d provide the money for food & stuff but I just need to know what dog , is easy for a 13 year old to take care of.. & the basics of taking care of a dog

Answer #1

be alittle more specific. What type of dog are you interested in, big, medium, small? What type of place do you live in? :)

Answer #2

small dog is good for you

Answer #3

Do you want a big dog or a little dog and do you want long hair or short? lol All dogs in their puppy stage are hard to take care of, they like to chew up everything and that’s the age when you have to start potty training them which is easy for some dogs and comes harder to others.

I think a small dog would be easiest for you. A Maltese would be a good breed to go with, they are not super hard to take care of. Having their hair trimmed every few months if you don’t want to work too hard to keep them from getting dirty or matted is a good idea. They don’t shed like most dogs do and they are small so they are easy to handle and are usually not too yappy and pretty calm for little dogs.

A really great big dog is a German Shepherd, they are really wild when they are puppies though and I donno if you would want to deal with the mess XD but they are really beautiful, strong, loyal and protective dogs. They are also very smart dogs.

If you want a medium small size dog Beagles are pretty cool. :) They are friendly, relaxed little hound dogs. :) Their hair is short and they have big floppy ears.

All these dogs you would want to give a bath to about once every other week and for the long haired ones brushing them at least once a week. Dogs always need to have water available for them to drink during the day and night and my family feeds our dogs twice a day. You can also have rawhide bones or dog treats for them to keep their teeth healthy and should have a dog bed for them in your room for them to sleep on. For puppies especially, you should have doggy toys and things for them to play with and chew on.

Answer #4

Border Collie or Westie….

Answer #5

My Grandmother has a Border Collie(:

Answer #6

That depends on what is suitable for the dog. Meaning, if you live in a small apartment with limited space, a smaller dog that doesn’t require alot of space or “yard” to get sufficient excercise, A larger dog with who is more active may require more room to roam, more attention and activities you may need to be involved with. It really depends on where you live, the sorroundings you can provide for it, and the attention your willing to give. Mutts can do away with many of the prone diseases set breeded dogs are known to posses or develop over time. If your looking for a set breed, you need to know their health issues, and what their tendency’s are. I’d recommend if your looking for a specific breed you read up on what you need to know about that breed.

Answer #7

I live in a big house but it has a small backyard.. and my dad is starting to work extra hours so he wants a big dog for ‘protection’ cause my sisters and I are alone for almost 4-6 hours a day. I want a small dog , he wants a big , I’m fine with both but its just cause of the size of the yard

Answer #8

haha. I love german shepards. xD im okay with the mess because im active and i wouldnt mind running after it and stuff aha. thanks for the tips :))

Answer #9

German Shepherd would be awesome! Collies are really smart and beautiful too. :) Good luck, I hope you find a really good doggie!(: Boxers are good if you want a short haired dog. :)

Answer #10

You’re welcome!(: and I love them too, my family has had a few German Shepherds and they have all been really good dogs.(:

Answer #11

Oh I read that wrong o.o Well big dogs are just as sweet and adorable as little ones and if your dad thinks that you guys could use protection then a bigger dog is best.

Answer #12

You just need to make sure you take them for plenty of walks to get their exercise. :)

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