Does the "embarrassing itch" cause this?

So this is pretty much a question for girls only..but anyway, I’ve been starting to get the “Embarrassing itch and odor” if you know what I mean. It’s been itching a lot down there, but I never scratch it. When I went to get a shower this morning, when I used the bathroom it would sting and it was really really red. I tried to clean it up a little bit, and noticed I have scab-like things down there, that really bad whenever something touches them. What should I do about them and is it normal??

Answer #1

Nooo, lol. No hard bread-look. With yeast, there are no scabs. Maybe it’s time to see a doc… you have to get that cleared up.

Answer #2

okay so I went to take a shower [again] and it was really red again, so I tried to clean it up and some of the “scab-like” things came off. Is it a sign of a yeast infection if they look and feel like scabs, but they look like really hard bread???

Answer #3

thanks! I’m really not sure what’s up with them..they’ve actually started to go away, but I’m not sure how to tell my mom and I feel like its really really awkard and embarrassing. I have shaved recently, but I don’t shave up there at’s weird.

Answer #4

There is nothing normal about what you’re describing. You should get a doc to look at the “scab-like” things. Unless you mean you’ve shaved recently and your skin is really irritated.

Answer #5

NO! This is not a yeast infection and I feel like everyone is dancing around the issue. I think that if you don’t tell your Mom right away, do like Pinkpeaqrl said and go to the drugstore but don’t buy stuff for a yeast infection. All you have to do is tell the pharmacist (there’s lady pharmacists but a male will understand) tell them what your symptoms are, even if you have to get her off to the side. You really need to treat this and I don’t think it’s very expensive for the medicine you need, but tell someone, okay?

Answer #6

Don’t worry, it could be the start of a yeast infection. Often it might feel itchy before you notice any discharge. If you dont want to talk to anyone yet, get something from the drugsore. For about $30 you can pick up a 3 day treatment - look for Monistat 3. The symptoms sometimes take more than 3 days to go away though, so dont worry if you dont feel better immediately.

Also, moms are more understanding than you think. Your mom has probably gone through this many times ;)

Answer #7

you should talkto the doctor it might help.

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