Do you believe in ESP?

Do you believe in extrasensory perception—ESP?

Answer #1

Just as some among us know that the plane of our existence is but one of many, so can we appreciate that ESP / 6th sense requires perhaps, a slightly broader approach in understanding, so as to promote possible further insight and thus the follow-on of better public acceptance of it. As with all paranormal occurrences, ESP receives massive criticism on its part from the generally limited ESP tests (mainly statistical / probability-based in nature) and general reluctance to even acknowledge humans as being capable of having ‘supernatural’ abilities. Despite protests over many experiments having proved a definitive presence of ESP, such results have still largely been deemed ‘null’. The physicists among us will already know of the frustrating and not wholly-understood results garnered from many tests dealing with the quantum mechanical universe, e.g. Rutherford’s particle scattering test. The credibility of ESP is similarly problematic due to its links with the mind, and by extension the brain, the one organ scientists know least about still (which is still quite a bit). ESP has been ascribed to have links with the same way parts of the brain’s frontal lobes divine for us what is ‘material’ and what is ‘immaterial’. ‘Immaterial’ within this topic by all means doesn’t refer to non-existent, but rather perhaps the tipping of the scales from whence humans begin to experience phenomena that do not principally follow the laws of the material realm. This is all linked to how our minds interact with the physical world which we see. Activities such as induced trance, astral travel and otherworldly communication are all examples of the influence this part and other areas of our brain can have upon our latent powers of perception in our world. Spiritually speaking, it would seem that so many people today are still yet completely unaware of their own ability to interact with not just the physical world, but the invisible aspects of it as well. Still, it is no surprise that a large majority of skeptics find ESP too insubstantial to believe, based upon what is known of the maddening ‘what-if’ principles that measures of probability in these areas produce. It seems logical that anyone who has been exposed to the phenomena themselves will believe in ESP anyway; but ultimately, despite an individual’s belief or disbelief in it, does science suggest ESP and furthermore, all paranormal experiences, have completely plausible biological / psychological explanations?

Answer #2

most do(I’m extreme in the art of science, & wouldn’t be in the craft if it wasn’t supported by science). But there are still things that baffle scientiest. Plasma, certian events that happen, so called lachurbracobra(sp?) & such like that. There’ve even been some ghoustly encounters that baffle scientiest. I believe most of the people who claim to be psychic on TV shows aren’t at all. It’s insulting to those who actually are. I actually know one, but they wish not to prove it to anyone, “the world doesn’t need to know of such things yet”. But hey.

Answer #3

yes, I have experianced it at times before aswell…I think, if esp is the one that lets you know things before they happen then yes I have experianced it.. they come to me in dreams.

Answer #4

yes to an extent

Answer #5

definately !

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