Do you think the US should help other countries?

what do you realy think I think we should because we are a country of freedom and we should help all people around the world by giveing them freedom,medicen,food,vehicals but also should this country help familys that live out on the street also their should be health care for all

Answer #1

Ya done good !!

Answer #2

Communists own the patent on “imposing” will.

Answer #3

I’d be glad to:

We should because we’re a Christian nation of great, kind-hearted people who have a very long history of helping, in numerous ways, those countries needing assistance - sometimes with little or no gratitude in return - we must keep in mind, Gov’t is not the answer to all problems - we do help our own needy and certainly could do more - free health care sounds great but at what taxpayer cost is what I wonder…Take care !!

Answer #4

We should because we’re a Christian nation of great, kind-hearted people who have a very long history of helping, in numerous ways, those countries needing assistance - sometimes with little or no gratitude in return - we must keep in mind, Gov’t is not the answer to all problems - we do help our own needy and certainly could do more - free health care sounds great but at what taxpayer cost is what I wonder…Take care !!

Answer #5

“our great forefathers once said that foriegn involvement will be the end of this country.”

Not exactly. What the forefathers warned about was getting entangled in European alliances, which at the time were very complex and constantly shifting. Many of the forefathers fully expected the United States to become more of a regional power as westward expansion continued, with the Western Hemisphere as our area of influence and involvement (see the Monroe Doctrine). Foreign policy back then was much different than it is now. Remember, the world was made up mostly of colonial empires, and things like foreign aid, humanitarian missions, and peacekeeping operations were a very long way off. I don’t think the forefathers ever envisioned the US would be dealing with things like these.

I think the US can and should be involved in humanitarian aid and assisting certain countries with internal crises like famine, drought, disease, natural disasters, and occasionally, civil unrest. I do not hold the view that these things are “bleeding us dry” and keeping us from spending money to fix problems here at home. Foreign aid is not a significant enough part of the budget to be responsible for that. The US already spends more money on domestic programs like education, health care and welfare than almost every nation in the developed world, so more money is not the answer to all our problems.

Answer #6

our great forefathers once said that foriegn involvement will be the end of this country. If you havn’t noticed, it has crippled America

Answer #7

I just did more research also!

America is one nation under a Constitution. Although the Constitution sets up a representative democracy, it specifically was amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791 to uphold individual and minority rights. On constitutional matters we do not have majority rule. For example, when the majority in certain localities voted to segregate blacks, this was declared illegal. The majority has no right to tyrannize the minority on matters such as race, gender, or religion.

The U.S. Constitution is a secular document. It begins, “We the people,” and contains no mention of “God” or “Christianity.” Its only references to religion are exclusionary, such as, “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust” (Art. VI), and “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (First Amendment). The presidential oath of office, the only oath detailed in the Constitution, does not contain the phrase “so help me God” or any requirement to swear on a bible (Art. I, Sec. 1, Clause 8).

Ignoring history, law, and fairness, many fanatics are working vigorously to turn America into a Christian nation. Fundamentalist Protestants would impose their narrow morality on the rest of us, resisting women’s rights, freedom for religious minorities and unbelievers, gay and lesbian rights, and civil rights for all. History shows us that only harm comes of uniting church and state.

The separation of church and state is a wonderful American principle supported not only by minorities, such as Jews, Moslems, and unbelievers, but applauded by most Protestant churches that recognize that it has allowed religion to flourish in this nation. It keeps the majority from pressuring the minority.

Answer #8

Great post Trickynick

A “Christian Nation”? How freakin’ arrogant. Religion should have not have anything to do with the desire to do good. While most religious groups would support the idea of helping ohter nations, and I welcome that, but to say the reason we do it is because we are a “chistian nation” (which we are not supposed to be) is proposterous. One does not need religion to tell themselves genocide is wrong and should be stopped. It is self evident.

Answer #9

Well if they stopped giving aid to other countries, then they could probably afford free health care (without any tax increase) although if they stopped waging wars and giving weapons to isreal, they could probably afford the health care without tax increase too…

Answer #10

I mean its a beautiful thing what america is “giving back” to other countries but there are many problems here that I think should be addressed first.

hope my Opinion helped

Answer #11

amblessed- your answers are intelligent and always faith based (I respect your beliefs) but here I must point out that your answer only helps to divide and exclude and quite honestly does not seem to be very christian. to exclude others from your “christian” country based on religion (or anything else for that matter) is not what this country was founded on. and does not sound like what He would preach. you are trying to exclude large populations of religious and non-religious from the feeling that we are americans. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS - NO MATTER RELIGION, RACE, or GENDER.

Answer #12

Health care is not going to cost taxpayers anymore than it does now. So you would rather pay twice as much for health care with the profits going to the ceos of insurance companies? If we truly has a single payer health care system, we would all be paying much less than we are now.

Answer #13

“We should because we’re a Christian nation of great, kind-hearted people who have a very long history of helping, in numerous ways, those countries needing assistance - “

Thank goodness we are a christian nation! Can you imagine what it would be like if we were a nation composed of more than ONE religion! What if “other” religions stepped in and tried to be part of our christian nation! Utter Chaos!

And I believe there are very few times when our monetary “generosity” towards other nations has not had an ulterior motive! To give without expecting anything in return is “giving” in the true sense of the word.

Answer #14

It would be nice to see the US ‘help’ in more countries such as African countries where civil wars and civil unrest are resulting in many innocent deaths.

Countries that the US don’t stand to gain anything from such as oil or other mineral wealth.

Once they start to do that, I will believe they are doing it for the right reasons.

I’m sorry but I don’t compare ‘people who live on the streets and free health care’ on the same level as innocent families & children being wiped out by machete wielding thugs as is currently happening in some African countries.

If the US is a ‘christian nation’ why do they generally pick and chose who they assist based upon the material and mineral wealth of the country?

Answer #15

flossheal - the voice of reason!

Answer #16

well thats part of what makes america so great

Answer #17

thanks jimahl!

Answer #18

What does ‘give a country freedom’ mean, though? Yes, all wealthy and influential nations should help the poorer countries to develop healthcare and political/economic systems that allow them become independent and improve the lot of their people. But this does not mean that the wealthy nations should impose their own brand of ‘freedom’.

Answer #19

definatly not. we have to set our sh*t straight before helping others. and most countries dont want to be helped anyways. we went to the middle east and helped to continue the destruction. and now our economy is going way way down. our basic civil rights have been taken away, but secretly under the patriot act and soon, NAFTA is going to make our constitution void. all while the gov is telling its people that its for ‘national security’. we should not go help other countries, maybe send groups to help people, but not control their government. we’re turning back to 19th century imperialism, but with a better ‘excuse’ and we’re trying to force our beliefs on others

Answer #20

yep! makes you think, huh?

Answer #21

Just did more research - America has always been known as a Christian nation - (Big Picture, AKA majority practiced religion)…Take care !!

Answer #22

I think we should just keep to ourselves…I mean our country isnt exactly problem free now is it? I think once we fix our own problems…then yeah we can go ahead and help other countries…but again…what do I know?

Answer #23

I have an idea. Why not let charities do charity, rather than government doing it.

Answer #24

Lol, you’re right, Americans have never tried to impose their will on anyone else…

Answer #25

yeh the United States should help other countries.

Answer #26

one world one love

Answer #27

No cause people in other countries will not take us seriously and not to mention we already had enough wars let them help themselves sorry if this sounds rude.

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