do you beleive in god

y or why not do u…

Answer #1

What do you believe in hannah660?

Answer #2

yes, because when I was suisidal.. when I was full of hate and anger, who was it that came and saved me. it’s not something that I say to be dramatic, it’s to relly answer the question. He delivered me just like her delivered peter from simon

Answer #3

I dont believe that cra* I mean if god supposebly created us all…who created HIM!!! its obvious that hes fake its just used to make kids happy

Answer #4

yes most def I do…I wouldnt have all the things I have in my life if I didnt and I dont understand if hes not real how do we get here and how do we yes I do…

Answer #5

No, and this is the reason why:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

  • Epicurus.
Answer #6

of course.

Answer #7

there may be, though I don’t think so. The Bible is definitely a load of rubbish. Geologically its impossible that the earth was created in 7 days by some guy who looks like us but is made from spiritual matter rather than flesh. We are an amazing result of evolution. Religion is just a business these days.

Answer #8

duh, I believe in him.

why wouldn’t I?? :D

Answer #9

This question is starting to get annoying…seems like everyday someone is asking this same question…

Answer #10

WOW… great question… I’m amazed this question isn’t asked more often… u___u

Answer #11
Answer #12

nope, he is like superman, or the easter bunny , santa, leprecauns, fictional.

that is my belief.

Answer #13

Yes. And I really dont know why. I guess I believe in him to long to not.

Answer #14

Yes, because who else would the world be here

Answer #15

god is the one who gave his only son to die for are sins if he had not done that we all wood go to some were we don’t never ever wont to go win we die because we all sin no matter what kine of sin it is all we have to do is ask 4 his 4giveness and mean it and he will 4give us no matter what we do .. we are covet by the blood of jesus and all are sins is forgotin just like that its that ease so just thank what he did 4 you and me and be thankful ,we might not no why some things are like they are but we are not to ask got why we will no some day win we are in gods kingdom that how I no god is very very real god gets me throw all my hard times and he can do the same 4 you to if you believe in him .I no I cant spell good but I try don’t make fun of me please lol..god be with us all open the eyes of the ones don’t no what to believe just no that god love not 1 but all of us we all are his kids just like are kids are ares we don’t well I don’t love just one of my kids I love the 2 0f them,not 1 more then the other I love them the same and who ever has kids now what am talking about ..

Answer #16

YES! who made the world??? But who made god??? because you think who made space then you think god but who made god??? because he couldant just be there could he???!!!

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