Do white people still hate us?

do white people still hate us or is it some?? it seem’s like every time I walk out side a white man or woman say’s eeww look at that I cant be leve it nigga’s are still alife or something like that, so why in the hll dose that happen to me all the time?? sexy yung thing*

Answer #1

From where I’m around, that never happens. But anyway I’m not racist, and I can’t stand people who are. Sorry you have to go through that.

Answer #2

have you ever heard of reverse racism? a lot of times, black people can openly express their distaste for white people, yet when white people do the same, they have the NAACP called on them.

There is Black Entertainment TV, yet there is no White Entertainment TV, or Asian Entertainment TV. People can say “cracker” all the time without any repercussions. Because of Equal Opportunity laws, if a white male or a black women walked into the same job interview, and both were equally qualified, the black women would more than likely get the job.

I have personally never been around any white person that says anything negative about black people, yet I have been around several black people that say negative things about white people.

Answer #3

Those people are just racist. I am white. But I have nothing against black people at all. After all, both black and white people share the same colour blood. Everybody is different. I grew up understanding that. I know what it’s like to be treated badly for being different. I once got threatened with a penknife in school when I was eight, because I have Asperger’s Syndrome (learning problems and very mild Autism). But I didn’t let it get to me and I’m a far stronger person now, all because I have friends and family who love me for who I am. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else for anything at all. It’s what makes each person unique. Just believe in yourself and don’t let racism get to you. I send you my thoughts and wish you all the best. <3

Answer #4

im white an totally accept all colours & religons I even have some black friends really dont mind them silly ingornace of peoplee its rather sad if you ask me

just ignore it you are who your truly are lOik

Answer #5

I hope you havnt ever had anyone say something like that around you. and yes some white people hate black people but they also hate tans and yellows because they are ignorant.

Answer #6

Its just some stupid people at the moment, they will always be there just try to ignore it : (

Answer #7

I think Black People are beautiful! =) Everyone is created Equal. Colour is Just Colour. What’s Wrong with that?

Answer #8

when I lived in Mobile, AL I became racist because of the attitude of the blacks down there. Never had problem with it before. Now I can’t stand them. And I hate that I feel that way. It’s sorry to see a culture tear itself apart.

Answer #9

I’m a white female married to a black man so its not this white chick hatin… but I really dont know why white people hate so much thats a really good question…

Answer #10

I’m white and never hated anyone based on race. I was raised in a majority-black town. The majority of both races want to get along and live in peace based on my experience, and a handful of morons on both sides want to f*ck it all up for the rest of us.

Answer #11

How dare you ask that question. It is people like you who make me sick. Caucasians do not hate you. They are loving, kind people who like everyone else deserves respect.

Answer #12

“Do white people hate us?”

Not all, but most (large majority) still prefer the company and association of fellow whites. I’d say that about 30% of whites in Australia are still mildly prejudiced and prefer to do favours for fellow whites only. Most whites will tend to avoid socialising with dark skinned people. They will also tend to promote their fellow white friends, even if they don’t deserve it. “Equal Employment Opportunity” doesn’t exist in most workplaces. These are just buzz-words that make white people feel good about multiculturalism.

I was the top student in my high school, earning straight A’s and averaging over 90% in most subjects… but in Junior High, the white teachers gave the “Junior Dux” (top student award) to a white student who only came No. 1 in just one subject, but I was No. 1 in all the other subjects. In Senior High, I was initially awarded the “Senior Dux” because I had the highest grades in all the maths, physics and drawing subjects (top in 4 subjects) but I was told by the principal that most of the white teachers protested and demanded that the “Senior Dux” go to another white student, whose average marks where usually 5-10% lower than mine, and he only came top in 2 subjects, not 4 like me. (He was also a repeat student, so he had a 2nd chance, so technically, he should have been ineligible to be awarded the Dux)… so the truth is, the white teachers preferred to LIE to the entire school, and give the top student prize to the wrong student, just because he was white, and to prove that a dark skinned student could not possibly be smarter than their best white skinned student. The funny thing is, that white student was a friend of mine and he told me personally that I should have been the dux… I even earned a much higher GPA (Grade Point Average) than him at the same University where I studied engineering and he studied (a much easier degree) Vet science. Even with a PhD, 3 patented inventions and dozens of original products and new engineering innovations to my credit, I still cannot get a promotion… So, being a self-made millionairre, I have learned not to base my self-worth on the wrong opinions of prejudiced and ignorant people.

It’s a white man’s world, even though caucasians only make up 13.7% of the entire world’s population. Most of them see themselves are smarter and superior to people from other races, deserving of being imitated, followed and revered. (Many are very “up themselves” - thinking that people from all the other races don’t matter and are not as trustworthy or dependable as their fellow whites) If you live in a majority white country like Australia, just get used to being treated like an invisible person, because that’s all you are to most white people… An invisible person, or a 2nd class citizen. It will take several more generations and another 50+ years for most Aussies to learn how to trust people of colour or from other races. Don’t worry about racism, because you can find many good friends from other cultures and races. Frankly, the white-superiority complex that I see almost every day, really irritates me and pisses me off, so I tend to avoid super-critical, judgemental, nit-picking, racist white people, because I don’t want any bad memories (I have far too many bad memories already from stupid white racists)…

Do your own thing. Become successful. Become rich. Drive a $120,000+ luxury car with leather seats, and laugh when you see the shocked looks on the faces of racist white people who cannot believe the car you drive. LOL… If black people and asians had even HALF the friendship & support and encouragement that white people give to each other, they would have enough self-confidence and self-esteem to accomplish much much more than white people… Non-whites have been oppressed, subjugated, treated like inferior life-forms with constant disparaging nit-picking and criticism… it is so sad to see blacks and asians BELIEVING all the BS that white people give them… So many of my coloured and asian friends cop a lot of insults, discrimination and unfair hateful treatment from white bosses and white workmates, even though they had not done anything wrong… but just because of their different genetics or skin colour. So don’t worry, it’s not you to blame for their attitude, it’s their own ignorance and stupidity that makes them say and do things to justify their wrong assumption of racial superiority.

Belief is so powerful, it can transform your life. Don’t believe what stupid racist people say. Tell them to their faces: “You did not choose to be white! You are not any more special than me, just because of your inherited DNA! You do not have the right to call yourself my superior, or my master. Your opinions are not more important than mine, and I don’t NEED your approval and agreement. You may think you are smarter than me but that is just your assumption. I don’t owe you anything. Being white does not automatically make you always right! “

Answer #13

“Do white people hate us?”

Not all, but most (large majority) still prefer the company and association of fellow whites. I’d say that about 30% of whites in Australia are still mildly prejudiced and prefer to do favours for fellow whites only. Most whites will tend to avoid socialising with dark skinned people. They will also tend to promote their fellow white friends, even if they don’t deserve it. “Equal Employment Opportunity” doesn’t exist in most workplaces. These are just buzz-words that make white people feel good about multiculturalism.

I was the top student in my high school, earning straight A’s and averaging over 90% in most subjects… but in Junior High, the white teachers gave the “Junior Dux” (top student award) to a white student who only came No. 1 in just one subject, but I was No. 1 in all the other subjects. In Senior High, I was initially awarded the “Senior Dux” because I had the highest grades in all the maths, physics and drawing subjects (top in 4 subjects) but I was told by the principal that most of the white teachers protested and demanded that the “Senior Dux” go to another white student, whose average marks where usually 5-10% lower than mine, and he only came top in 2 subjects, not 4 like me. (He was also a repeat student, so he had a 2nd chance, so technically, he should have been ineligible to be awarded the Dux)… so the truth is, the white teachers preferred to LIE to the entire school, and give the top student prize to the wrong student, just because he was white, and to prove that a dark skinned student could not possibly be smarter than their best white skinned student. The funny thing is, that white student was a friend of mine and he told me personally that I should have been the dux… I even earned a much higher GPA (Grade Point Average) than him at the same University where I studied engineering and he studied (a much easier degree) Vet science. Even with a PhD, 3 patented inventions and dozens of original products and new engineering innovations to my credit, I still cannot get a promotion… So, being a self-made millionairre, I have learned not to base my self-worth on the wrong opinions of prejudiced and ignorant people.

It’s a white man’s world, even though caucasians only make up 13.7% of the entire world’s population. Most of them see themselves are smarter and superior to people from other races, deserving of being imitated, followed and revered. (Many are very “up themselves” - thinking that people from all the other races don’t matter and are not as trustworthy or dependable as their fellow whites) If you live in a majority white country like Australia, just get used to being treated like an invisible person, because that’s all you are to most white people… An invisible person, or a 2nd class citizen. It will take several more generations and another 50+ years for most Aussies to learn how to trust people of colour or from other races. Don’t worry about racism, because you can find many good friends from other cultures and races. Frankly, the white-superiority complex that I see almost every day, really irritates me and pisses me off, so I tend to avoid super-critical, judgemental, nit-picking, racist white people, because I don’t want any bad memories (I have far too many bad memories already from stupid white racists)…

Do your own thing. Become successful. Become rich. Drive a $120,000+ luxury car with leather seats, and laugh when you see the shocked looks on the faces of racist white people who cannot believe the car you drive. LOL… If black people and asians had even HALF the friendship & support and encouragement that white people give to each other, they would have enough self-confidence and self-esteem to accomplish much much more than white people… Non-whites have been oppressed, subjugated, treated like inferior life-forms with constant disparaging nit-picking and criticism… it is so sad to see blacks and asians BELIEVING all the BS that white people give them… So many of my coloured and asian friends cop a lot of insults, discrimination and unfair hateful treatment from white bosses and white workmates, even though they had not done anything wrong… but just because of their different genetics or skin colour. So don’t worry, it’s not you to blame for their attitude, it’s their own ignorance and stupidity that makes them say and do things to justify their wrong assumption of racial superiority.

Belief is so powerful, it can transform your life. Don’t believe what stupid racist people say. Tell them to their faces: “You did not choose to be white! You are not any more special than me, just because of your inherited DNA! You do not have the right to call yourself my superior, or my master. Your opinions are not more important than mine, and I don’t NEED your approval and agreement. You may think you are smarter than me but that is just your assumption. I don’t owe you anything. Being white does not automatically make you always right! “

Answer #14

not one bit if they want to be mean to me then it takes two to tango but if they want to be mates then I’m fine with it

Answer #15

No we dont. I think black people hate us because my neighborhood is mainly black a long with my school. And I was new here the beginning of the school year and I was like the only white person in most of my classes and all of them would stare at me like “why is she here?” and it wasn’t even a black school but they would all give me dirty looks like I was being in “their” teritory or something

Answer #16

Plus, cindyngavin is right. Maybe they liked what you had on. Maybe you’re just a good dresser.

Answer #17

jesus I can’t believe that still happens, where do you live?? I’m from around boston and for us it doesn’t make a difference if people are black or white, I have a few friends that are black. just don’t listen to those people they are @ssholes.

Answer #18

hiya bbe!!! ok I don’t no who you mix with but there d*cks!!! I have loads of black friends that id give my life for so NO white people don’t hate you!!!

best wishes X

Answer #19

I won’t lie, I think there are a lot of white people who still hate blacks. some of them admit it, a lot of them don’t.

some don’t hate you, but are afraid of you because they watch the news too much or shows like “Cops.”

racism is a hard thing to get over, because it spans generations.

but some of us are trying to get it right.

Answer #20

well im a latino person I seen racist people not just in my neighborhood but in my school and job yea there are some white people that hate latinos and african americans but there are also some white people who tried to help us that treat us equal that dont discriminate for our color or our background not everyone is racist. oh and I do have a couple of white friends.

Answer #21

Im not white( Im native american) but why does it seem that black people hate white people so much?? At school, black people can be so racist against white people. And I believe that if you hate people be racist against you, why do it to whites? Why sink as low as they have, when you can rise above and be better?

Answer #22

Its sad, but yes, some people are still rascist. I am Anti-Rascism. It upsets me. My best friends are all different races. Its shallow for people to think skin color can make any difference to where people rank in the world or who people are inside.

Answer #23

People where I live are soo racist to people! I’m half asian my mom’s asian and my dad’s white. When I go somewhere with my mom, people treat us like crap like we can’t understand english and when I’m with my dad, people are really nice. My school is like that too. This girl in my homeroom said, “Where were you born?” I was like, “America” and the girl’s like, “You’re such a liar! Americans have blond hair and blue eyes!”. Then at my dance studio, an asian girl got the lead part in a dance and another girl said, “The lead shouldn’t be a minority, it should be an american.” She got kicked out for saying that in front of all the teachers. The only adults I know in my city are my dance teachers. They say that what matters is who you are inside. Everyone should learn to live like that.

Answer #24

No, I don’t believe in racism. We are all born equal and that’s how it will always be. I hate to say it, but white people have big egos. Like, too big.

Answer #25

I assure you most of us do not .its just the dumb skin heads that most of us white people can not stand and that is a stereotype that has gone on for many years most white people like black people

Answer #26

wow , I cant believe that , ok im white and I can tell you for sure that I have never ever hated a person because of their skin color like my god people for you to act like that you have to have serious issues . that is just pure ignorence !

Answer #27

God, I swear I have tears in my eyes. NO, I’m white and NO. Please don’t ever think that someone hates you because of a stupid skin colour that means nothing, NOTHING, white/black, black/white, IT’S ALL THE SAME. If people say that to you, just turn your head and think to yourself “that’s nothing more than a person with no heart and no brain, and that’s someone with serious self-esteem problems, who needs to make someone feel smaller to make himslef bigger”. And in the case of you being a very strong person, then in my opinion: “silence only makes them stronger”, so go and defend yourself, you have the same exact rights than ANYONE else. But NO, I’m white as snow and I could NVER in my whole life hate another person for a different skin colour or a different belief than mine.


Answer #28

I’m not like that and I’m white. I have a friend named Kim and she has black colored tone too. She’s really fun to be around. Its only SOME people who are like that.Its really stupid.If you ask me.

Answer #29

I dated a blk guy and I goy some looks like that its wrong my dad disowned me for it I know most people in my family are racist but I am not and I have many friends who arent racist

Answer #30

I sometimes wonder the same thing. They (white people) say that they are not racist but it is hard to trust that. They understand each other and spend more time with each other. I do not believe all but I do believe some mean us harm. It is also hard to relate to them.

Answer #31

I m not black, but I think black peole are the same as white people. If a white person gives you a dirty look or something, just ignore them. Don’t give a damn to what they say or do to u. Who cares if you r black??? There is nothing different about black people than white people.

Answer #32

im white and I like black people and I HATE rasict people

Answer #33

many of my friends are black and I’ve dated black people nothin against yalls race or any other

Answer #34

I like black guys

Answer #35

I was disappointed to discover recently how rascist some people still are. Did you know that Denzel Washington has at least three times refused to kiss a white actress in a movie? How rascist can you get? (Look him up on Wikipedia if you don’t believe me.)

Answer #36

Yes, some White people still (very much) hate Black people.

On the other hand: Some Black people still (very much) hate White people

In fact, Some [Insert any race here] people still really hate [Insert any race here] people.

There will always be hate and it comes in millions of forms. Best thing is to be the best person that you can be and ignroe stupidity. Any person who can hate an enire race, in one big sweeping gesture, is an * and who does not deserve your thoughts, concerns or worries. Leave them be and know that they “beauty” of hate is that IT ALWAYS TURNS ON THE PERSON IT HARBORS - it will diminish their quality of life and then fester and, hopefully, kill them.

You should hate a person becasue they, as individual, suck.

Answer #37

Yes, some White people still (very much) hate Black people. On the other hand: Some Black people still (very much) hate White people In fact, Some [Insert any race here] people still really hate [Insert any race here] people. There will always be hate and it comes in millions of forms. Best thing is to be the best person that you can be and ignore stupidity. Any person who can hate an entire race, in one big sweeping gesture, is an * and does not deserve your thoughts, concerns or worries. Leave them be and know that the ‘beauty’ of hate is that IT ALWAYS TURNS ON THE PERSON IT HARBORS - it will diminish their quality of life and then fester and, hopefully, kill them. You should hate a person because they, as an individual, suck.

Answer #38

im white too and i dont hate african americans nor anybody else.i think that judging ppl by there looks/color,weight and whatever else u can think of is wrong. i have friends that r mexican and african american and i dont judge them at all,but there is still ppl out there that hate african americans and mexicans

Answer #39

im white and were I live all the black people are racist as hell

Answer #40

HELL NOOO im white and wish I was black yalll

Answer #41

This is definetely not true in the north but I can beleve you if you are talking about the south. I think if people are being mean to you just ignore them and they will ponder over what they said and maybe even apologise. But just so you know, I am against predjudice people and am working to eliminate it. I hope things get better!

Answer #42

Come on! Everybody has to have someone they feel superior to. Where you are it seems the rednecks hate the blacks; but surely the most hated people in the 20th century were the Jews. Remember In Spain it is the Basques who are despised, In England it is the Irish but in Ireland it is anyone from Cork. “Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite them.” See yourself as a Big Flea and pity those poor sods who envy you.

I retain my contention that it is only people of limited intelligence who pick a single characteristic - race, color, gender, religion - to dislike. And they were probably taught to do so by their parents.

Answer #43

I think that you’re awesome!!

Answer #44

some people are still racist, not a lot of people will admit to that but I will tell you there is still racism in the world, I myself am certainly NOT racist but there are people who are, some people will never learn to accept people, and they are stupid and you shouldn’t pay any attention to them!!!

Answer #45

its not the color of the skin that judges anything, unless your green and an alien or something but in all seriousness, if a person makes the wrong decisions and does things that are completely pointless, harmful acts to random people are the true rejects.

Answer #46

some of them and I admit, sum blacks hate whites ( definitely not me) its pathetic we’re all f**cking EQUAL

Answer #47


Answer #48

ahhh people liek you annoy me!!! seriously, there is only a hand ful out there that say thigns alogn those line. the most of us know that we have in a day and age where the colour of our skin doesnt matter. black people, and yes, I will use that term, think that the whole world is agianst them, they use it as an excuse for everyting. if someone looks at you, you believe they are looking at you in a derrogatory way, perhaps they are lookign at you purely becoz they dotn see many black people, not becoz your shouldnt exist.

Answer #49

I have nothing against black…I love black people.

Answer #50

I dont know I was looking at your profile and your not ugly
im white and I have had a lot of colored boyfriends

so just ignore them hatas

Answer #51

you know., racism sucks. why do people have to hate people for being who they are supposed to be?! we’re all the same so stop being racist!!!

Answer #52

yeah a lot of white people still hate you guys…

Answer #53

I am DEFFINATELY NOT RACIST against black people, im friends with a lot of them! I dont believe people should be judged by the colour of their skin…

Answer #54

um you mean why do white people talk sh!t about Mexicans not BLACK

Answer #55

im white and I hate white people.

Answer #56

there just racist a$$ holes. dont listen to em.

Answer #57

some hate blacks some dont depends on who u r

Answer #58

a lot Of People Are Racists! To Me Black People Are C0ol. I think black guys are sexy =]

Answer #59

I think you have a complex, get over it girl. Shelley South Africa

Answer #60

I don’t not like because of there skin color. I think being racist is so pointless! I dont get why people judge others by their skin tone. Im white.

Answer #61

We only dont like the uneducated, wild, no morals, no family values, and those who do crime

Answer #62

nope dunno where you would get that idea just because a couple people look at you that way, doesnt mean the entire white population (which isnt even that large anymore) looks down on others

Answer #63


Answer #64

I live a VERY white town. there is AT MOST 1 black person in my classes if any. I am not racist however the blacks in my school tend to have theri own cult and stroll obnoctiously through the halls and yell and curse and call everyone “nigg*s.” honestly, I think that that clique is extremly obnoctious and think that they will get everything they want jus because their a minority (and it is true). however, I do have a number of VERY good friends that are black and are some of the nicest people in the world so I wouldnt not classify myself as racist but I take first impressions into consideration.

Answer #65


Answer #66

I’m white and I don’t hate you or anyone else

Answer #67

I agree with Hookem 02

Answer #68

Dear oh dear - I’ve never seen such a massive inferiority complex. Give it a rest mate or you’ll eat your own liver.

If these discriminatory things really happened (and why should I doubt you?) then so what; they didn’t stop you, and any harm seems to have come from yourself.

Answer #69

well yea it depends on where you live

I mean in this world there are lots of mean people but don’t forget there are also some really good people

soo if people say that to u just let it go because ignorant people don’t deserve your time

Answer #70

well personally I dont im friends with a lot of colored people so no worries

Answer #71

They are ignorant , pay no attention and let it go

Answer #72

I am one of the “white people” you referred to. And I don’t hate the “us” you mentioned! :)

Answer #73

man I am white and im saying this. no we dont hate you but soem peoples parents from the segragation days teach their children to treat you like animals. BUT THEY ARE JUST STUPID IDIOTS!

Answer #74

first of all if you have a point to make, it would be much more effective if you would learn how to type and spell. second, your question is insulting to the rest of us who realize that in spite of what black people would try and have the world believe, prejudice is NOT a black and white thing. it is world wide and affects every race of people on the planet. and I have one more surprise for you. racism was around a long time before the black people were enslaved. either do what the rest of us do and try to ignore and live with it, because it’s not going away. good luck.

Answer #75

Dear preah, Not sure where you are living but you must be surrounded by a bunch of morons? It upsets me to think that anyone would verbally abuse “anyone” in such ways as this. We cannot condemn a whole race of people for a handful of idiots. Not sure why this would happen all the time though? Perhaps you need to think about finding a nicer neighbourhood. Sue..good luck

Answer #76

ok im 100%white and I love african-americans my BEST friend is black she freakin rox not all white people hate blacks its real stupid how people always judge buy skin its so immature so whoever looks at you like that just tell your self their not american enogh to let the stupidest things like color keep them from growing up

Answer #77

im white and I love black people.. black people are so outgoing and friendly its contagious. bet those freaks are just jealous and I dont even say that word the and word I dont want to offend anyway thats too racist but im white and I have like 3 black friends

Answer #78

im white and I love black people.. black people are so outgoing and friendly its contagious. bet those freaks are just jealous and I dont even say that word the and word I dont want to offend anyway thats too racist but im white and I have like 3 black friends

Answer #79

dude im white and sum of my best firends are black..I got nothin against black..nor mexican or nuthing were all created equally by even says so in the dont worry what those freaks say

Answer #80

not all white people hate black people just like not all black people hate white people but there are some people who are like that and its definately not right no matter what race someone is

Answer #81

There is only one race in this world. The “Human Race”. I suppose that those who prefer to be rather “petty “about differences throughout the Human Race can only, themselves, see “part” of the big picture.

Someone once said that a fool is never announced until he opens his mouth. So, as you go through life, and periodically some fools announce themselves to you, just smile and understand that they have simply just placed your intelligence above their own by virtue of their own statements.


Answer #82

no matter how you look at it I think they do because they are mad because Martin Luther King Jr. a black man brought white black together now we share the same everything they may not like it but it’s no law anymore were it say we have to eat,drink,seat,go to school,bathroom in different places it ‘s no low no more thanks to Dr. King and all the other civil rights movement and even tho they don’t wont to admit it but yeah I know it is…

Answer #83

There are always going to be racist people out there, and there are always going to be people who don’t care what race a person is. People are different. Hatred will always exist. I don’t mean to sound so negative but I’m telling the truth. On the more positive side, all I can tell ya is, be cool with the people who aren’t so full of hatred and racism =)

Answer #84

Alright I hope you read mine because I thought of the same thing.. I am white alright, and sometimes I feel like black people have things agansed the white. But the other day I thought twice.The racial thing that happened a long time ago is now the past. this is the future, the present that were living now. Don’t think of that. Life is WAY to short to be thinking others are pregides or however you spell it. Live your life. If people stare, just think as your walking past the bastards

“ MM, yeah, I know you’re starin’. I know I am pretty, I know people will stare.” Walk with confidence.Because thats the only way you will get past people who stare. :).

Answer #85

I fell you girl I just had the same proble with my boyfriends mother we been together for a couple of weeks and now his mom is like she dont wont me calling him because she dont like that he has a black girl friend I was about to go off but I know people are still that way so keep your head high because you know your better then they say you are so just forget them and what they say brush them off your shoulder act like nothing happened and they didnt say any thing and just do what you do!!!

Answer #86

I’m sorry to hear that you have such tw*ts in your neighborhood. Of course not all whites hate blacks, just the selective few, like I’m sure there is vice-versa. I have a black mate and he’s sound!

Answer #87

yeah white people still hate just not all of them, to be fair blacks hate white people to again just not all of them…

sadly though it seems black are the most hated people on this planet, and above that its black women…(T_T) its sad really…someone actually said to me “I don’t like black” he was egyptian like are you serious what the s color is your skin?…Also the other day this guy said “There are a lot of ni**ars in here” when my friends little cousin walked by him, it took a lot of restraint not to tell him about himself, saying that in ear shot of a little girl grr

seriously though being racist is so outdated and the younger generations that pass it on need to be lynched…and or punched in the head…lol

Answer #88

Personally, I believe people of different races are SO much more beautiful than white people. Racism really upsets me. People need to grow up and realize white people aren’t superior to everyone.

Answer #89

most people don’t care anymore. but I’ll be real honest with you, I HAVE heard a lot of people of DIFFERENT races, not just white, saying stuff like “there are so many that are just living off my tax money” or “I wish they would get off tiher fat asses and get a job” or “have so many kids and wonder why they’re poor.” I’ve had a black co-worker say this about his brother how that “n*gga is so lazy, is mooching off the government and welfare money and disability” Unfortunately I have to agree somewhat but it has nothing to do with race. a lot of people are like that, because it’s EASIER, you do nothing, live on section 8 and get a weekly/monthly check. My boss was racist and he HATED me because I’m engaged to a puerto rican. he actually called him a Spick in front of me (which is why I quit) Sadly there are a lot of racist/prejudice people still out there. Society frowns on it, and lawsuits loom over their heads so a lot of them just smile through their teeth and pass you by but it’s still there. Then again I live in New York…eveyone hates everyone equally usually lol

Answer #90

So basically, you’re saying all white people are racist.

That sounds racist to me.

I agree there are white people who are racist against black people, but there are also black people who are racist against white people, ok?

It’s not just white people.

Answer #91

I being a white citezin from canada, have grown up in a environment where racism is not somethign we want.

I am not racist against and religion,skin colour, or anythign like htat. If we were all supposed to be the same, God would’ve made us that way. There is a reason why you are Dark Coloured, as I may call you. And I have a reason for being White. My Friends are not the same colour as me, but I love them just as much as my family. I do not hate you for colour.

Be proud of who you are and dont let other people get into your head, Walk with you head up hihg, you feet firm on the groundand think “This is who I am, and if they dont like it, then they must not know me, my culture, my family or my true inner sould and heart”

I hope this helps.


Answer #92

where I live no one hates blacks. and its weird because I live in like a hick town, and the only black people that live here are the coolest people in the whole school. like seriously everyone loves them to death. and I dont discriminate over any people. sometimes I dont even notice if people are black or white or mexican or asian. if they are funny, their awesome and thats all that matters to me. hopefully that makes sense :)

Answer #93

you know I hate when people use the term (whites) because just because one white person might be racist and ignorant doesnt man all are. I am white with a black cousin who is blood related and a spanish cousin who is related. im the farthest thing from racist and I go to a school were 90% of the students are white and I talk to a lot of the black kids in my grade and I am called ghetto because I talk to black kids, so its just some people not everyone. I love races I think it makes us different and beautiful and I think its extremely rediculous things are still going on like this but thats reality, and it sucks < haha. =]

Answer #94

Sounds like you live in a place where there are a lot of racist people. That’s not cool… I’m white but I have nothing against blacks. Just because your skin is a different color, doesn’t mean your not a good person. Everyone has feelings and it’s not right to judge ANYONE before you know them no matter what they look like, how they dress, etc…

Answer #95

Dear Preah, Unfortunately, there are still some really ignorant white people who see the color of someone’s skin instead of looking at the heart and goodness of someone regardless of their race. I was raised to never judge anyone based on their skin color or beliefs. I passed this on to my son, who will pass it on to his, etc. To me, a friend can be anyone - no matter what. I would be proud to be counted as your friend - as long as you don’t mind that I’m not black - but then, I don’t think skin color matters to you either. Jesus wasn’t white or black - He was right in between. I think God set it up that way, so no race would feel left out of God’s love through His precious Son.

Answer #96

look! 99% of people are not prejudice but if you see some that are just ignore em and lay off the swears! so yeah that all the advice I can give u

Answer #97

I don’t think white people (In America) “hate” black people, they only ‘hate” the return they’ve accrued on the investment…ouch…yep, it is true to an extent.

I think grandparents “hate” the fact that those white grandchildren they were expecting didn’t materialize that shade.

I “hate” the fact that most women today are glad that they didn’t.

I “hate” the fact that white guys get beaten to a bloody pulp in the boxing ring routinely.

But I don’t “hate” black people.

I am glad they are here.

If not, I wouldn’t have had some great friends.

We couldn’t enjoy the laughter Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy have given us.

We wouldn’t have the decades worth of great music if not for black people being around. (Except for that crappie rap we have today, it was so much better when I was coming up.)

Fill in the rest.

I’m glad I’m white.

I had zero say in the matter, but I am proud of my western heritage.

These statements aren’t the oxymora you have been led to believe they are.

Oh…and to Osamaboogeyman…giving some white guy $120,000 for a luxury car built for a pittance of the retail is hardly sticking it to the man. Why go out of your way to prove P.T. Barnum, another rich white guy’s, point? Agree 100 percent with the moniker though.

Answer #98

ok im white and I have nothing against colored poeple!I have plenty of colored friends but I went to a new school last year and I was practictly the only white person there and everybody said I was racist which wasnt true!I had never said not one racist comment to anyone!but everybody made racist comments to me!everybody just called me “white girl” and it was very annoying!people shouldnt be judged by color!even my teachers hated me!my social studies teacher would yell at me and say it was my cultures fault that african americans weere in slavery but thats not true!it wasnt my fault and many people were in slavery!im not even fully white!im half cajun…some people dont know what cajun is but it is a big mix of all kinds of cultures and cajuns were in slavery to im sure a lot of cultures were!and I hate it when somebody judges me by race!I men a\I am proud to be who I am and you should be proud to be who you r!!and I believe thatsome people do hate “blacks” but ignore them!my grandpa is raceist and I just ignore him or walk out the room!!!at my school kids would walk around curseing and talking about sex and always fighting thats probably why some people dont like black people…but nobody has a right to make comments about you!!!

Answer #99

no!! a lot of white people do still hate blacks but thats mostly the older generation because they cant get used to the fact that times have moved on. MOST white people nowadays dont hate blacks because things have changed and every1s mixing cultures which is good because if every1 from all diffrent cultures hated each other we would constantly be at war all the time with literally EVERYONE involved.1 thing I have found tho is yes most of the hostility is due to the persons up bringing, where I live there are a lot of blacks and I have noticed that a lot o tem are racist towards only whites because there parents bring them up to hate us (my best friend is black and this is where I get this info from) he told me there excuse for bringing their kids up to hate whites is because of what happend in the days that slavery was around. and I dont deny that a lot of whites bring their kids up to hate blacks but thats because their just shallow minded a$$holes who cant see past skin colour.

all I can advise you to do is just keep your head high, stay proud of who you r and DONT let anyone put you down. the area you live I is obviously full of the retarded whites who cant get it into their thick heads that times have moved on.

Answer #100

I live a VERY white town. there is AT MOST 1 black person in my classes if any. I am not racist however the blacks in my school tend to have theri own cult and stroll obnoctiously through the halls and yell and curse and call everyone “nigg*s.” honestly, I think that that clique is extremly obnoctious and think that they will get everything they want jus because their a minority (and it is true). however, I do have a number of VERY good friends that are black and are some of the nicest people in the world so I wouldnt not classify myself as racist but I take first impressions into consideration.

Answer #101

I personally don’t think racism is as bad as what everyone else thinks it is. I think what it boils down to, is white people think that black people hate them, and black people think that whites hate them! But you have to look at all the morons out there, who like to pull that card! And I’ve had it done to me. Some white chick got pissed off at me and went back and told a bunch of black people that I was racist.. Thats what keeps the sh!t going.. dumb b!tches that just want drama… because if you really stop and think about it.. thats all racism is.. drama..

Answer #102

people are so ignorant. to say that all whites hate blacks or vice versa is just ignorant. to label a group of people based on a few peoples actions is ignorant. yes, ignorant is the word of the day. we should know by now that it is the individual, not the group, that should be judged for their deeds/personality/whatever, not their skin color. I’m amazed that we, as a society, are not moving past this. I’ve not seen much racism in my life. I live is wisconsin and everyone that I know is tolerant of other races. in high school, we had one black student in the entire school and he was one of the most well-liked and popular students in the school. I supposed it depends on where in the country you live. I’ve heard that racism is still really bad in the south, though. to me, each culture has their own unique beauty and I am grateful for the diversity that there is in this country. we just need to intermix a little more to learn more about eachother. just ignore the ignorant. they will always be around in their own little ignorant world. much love to you. we do not hate you.

Answer #103

please bear in mind not all white people hate you! I was once in love with a half black half mexican dude. and now have a crush on a half white half mex dude. one of my best friends is asian, another caucasion. portugese. trust me. please dont say all. I dont know you and I love you. because you want to try for peace in this world and for that, you deserve love. ps im white. sigh now if only I cold tell that half and half I like him lol. sigh . .< anyways, I forgot I mean I have more than one asian friend of course. I dunno just thought id put that in. oh but I do have to say. at some asian stores they have this really yummy treat called pokys I think something like that. the strawberry is sso good! oh I dont want to sound racist! because im not!!!

Answer #104

to try and answer you’r guestion I don’t believe all whites ,I know all whites don’t hate blacks. I know this because my other half who I believe is my soul mate is a white man. now im not say’n we didn’t have trouble with others having trouble with how we had chose to live our lives. you’d be sur- prised who all had a problem with our new found love.

               all I can say is you have to know u,im not saying this is easy to do,

but once you do you will know. and all the big dumb found comments made by small minded people won’t seem so big.Even though they may still be hurtful, take comfort that we as a Culture have overcame so much more than words.

                    Hold you'r head up high know you are not those things they say
                    And pitty those  who try their hardest to go out of their way to
                      Belittle you. For you are an walking angel,gods creation, his child of
                    flesh. if all else fails you can always beat alittle humanity into them. lol 
                       you honestly shouldnt do that. but please dont let them bring you 
Answer #105

I’m white and I don’t think skin color has to do with anything! It’s just a color and it doesn’t make you less of a person. People like that are just ignorant and stupid racists! You have feelings, just like anyone else does. I have nothing against the black race, or any other race for that matter, nor will I ever! When you encounter people like that, as hard as it is, try to just ignore them. They aren’t worth getting yourself upset over! You and your friends know what kind of person you are, and that’s all that matters. There will alway’s be stupid, ignorant, racist people out there, that don’t respect other peoples feelings and have their own insecurities, regardless of what race you are, so they have to take it out on someone else.

Answer #106

I’m white, and I have nothing against blacks. I have several friends that are black, and I love them all to death!

The people that look at you that way are just rude. I don’t understand why they judge people based on their color.

But you should be happy to know that most Americans aren’t like that! Even if some are, you shouldn’t worry about it too much.

Hey, I have to go through the whole “men are better than women” thing, even though not every male thinks that. So if I can learn to ignore that, you can learn to ignore racists.

Answer #107

racist people are ignorant. some people don’t see color, and I am one of them. I just see a person for who they are. if they are ignorant, it doesn’t matter what color they are, they are no good

Answer #108

I DON’T talk bad about mexicans they are great people and I want to go to Mexico some day and have mexican buddies. it does NOT matter about your skin color!

Answer #109

Dear preah,

Seriously, I think most “White “ people feel ashamed of how we treated colored people. Like sirussurge, about 60% of my friends are Black, Latino, Native American, and so on and so forth.


Answer #110

some white people do. but certainly wouldn’t even if I was raised 2 hate u.I don’t believe in colors. were all equals.

Answer #111

sumtimes I gte a comment like that too because im and white snad mom’s whie and spanish my dad’s black, but I always get 1 like that oh blacks and whites shudn tbe together look at that puerto rican hoochie or sumthing rude like that.

Answer #112

Dear harmony, please be honest. You say you are black. Would you kiss a white person? This was the point of my question, way up there: Denzel Washington has at least three times refused to kiss a white actress in a movie.

Is that rascist?

Answer #113

I’m white and I LOVE black people! they’re GREAT!! they are always there for you no matter what! and I will be there for them!! I will fight for them!! I will fight those stupid people who treat them bad! and if you want the truth, there ARE some people who still hate you! but not ALL OF THEM!! AND THEY’RE NOT MOST OF THEM!!! most of them like you!! I like you, even though I didn’t see you or meet you, but I just like you!! no matter who you are, no matter what color you are, god made us all! and nobody’s better than the other! we are ALL the SAME! I’m just like you and you’re just like me! if I was asked to work for black people, I won’t say no!! cause they desurve it! they’ve been working for us, and we need to work for them and help them and support them! I believe that they are human!! just like anybody else! believe in yourself, walk tall, and keep your head up high! and ignore those stupid people! they’re saying that cause they’re jealous!!! they want to be the AMAZING person you are! but they CAN’T! thats why they try to make you like them!! so be who you are! believe in what you think is right!! NEVER listen to stupid people! all they want to do is rune your life! NEVER FORGET GOD! god made us, and he will protect us! pray to god as much as you can!! get close to god!!

Answer #114

Don’t you think saying ‘I think black guys are sexy’ is racist?

I think most black women I’ve known are sexy, but then I think most women are sexy (fortunately)!

Answer #115

hunny rascism is going to be around to the day me and you and everybody is dies there are always going to be people who just can’t be open minded to see and to know the real you I’m white and my kids they are mixed I have always loved everybody my grand mother tried her best to raise me as to hate black people but I couldn’t do that but hun lots are either scare or just that they hate you because they think you are better than them. but me myself I hate when people look at me and him and turn their noses up I smart off to them or flip they azz off.

Answer #116

I have to admit some white people are incredibly stupid, and yes that some white people do hate black people (though then again some black people probably hate white people). But a (hopefully) good majority of people don’t hate black people.

Personally I don’t hate black people, I don’t hate any race.

We are all human, and are all equal.

Answer #117

It would be horrible for someone to say that to you =O Us whites arent as great as most of us seem to think we are, most just like to think we’re the best lol. but nahh I think people are gettin over the whole black/white thing.They have to because it isnt right.Thats like someone callin me “white trash”, So if they don’t want it dun to them they shouldnt do it to others.. skin colour dusnt matter. So dont worry your not hated. x

Answer #118

wow mrs depp your way wrong wow the english language is going to vanish omg lol miha you need help that has nothing to do with it they hate the mexicans becasue we ain’t white like yall just like the blacks ain’ white

Answer #119

a lot of people out there have big problems with “black” people. im white and I have no problem with the color of peoples skin. A lot of people are just going on what their parent used 2 say. Some people judge the color of a certain people just cause of their reputation. in the news ther are reports on rapes, murders, and a lot more. when they see the victim it is usally a “black” person, so every1 just asmuses all “black” people are like the murderers & stuff. BUT it is not always a “black person the news brodcasters dont tell about othere things about “white” people. JUST 4 the record NOT all white people are aganist “blacks” there are a lot more people who are against all types of different races. but it is mostly “black” & “white” people fighting. it all gose back 2 when martin luther king jr. wuz around that time it wuz just “whites” get this “blacks” get this. some people are still caught up & they dont member that every1 should b treated the same no matter what color is on your face.

hoped I help. thanx : )

Answer #120

“Do white people hate us?”

Not all, but most (large majority) still prefer the company and association of fellow whites. I’d say that about 30% of whites in Australia are still mildly prejudiced and prefer to do favours for fellow whites only. Most whites will tend to avoid socialising with dark skinned people.

I was the top student in my high school, earning straight A’s and averaging over 90% in most subjects… but in Junior High, the white teachers gave the “Junior Dux” (top student award) to a white student who only came No. 1 in just one subject, but I was No. 1 in all the other subjects. In Senior High, I was initially awarded the “Senior Dux” because I had the highest grades in all the maths, physics and drawing subjects (top in 4 subjects) but I was told by the principal that most of the white teachers protested and demanded that the “Senior Dux” go to another white student, whose average marks where usually 5-10% lower than mine, and he only came top in 2 subjects, not 4 like me. (He was also a repeat student, so he had a 2nd chance, so technically, he should have been ineligible to be awarded the Dux)… so the truth is, the white teachers preferred to LIE to the entire school, and give the top student prize to the wrong student, just because he was white, and to prove that a dark skinned student could not possibly be smarter than their best white skinned student. The funny thing is, that white student was a friend of mine and he told me personally that I should have been the dux… I even earned a much higher GPA (Grade Point Average) than him at the same University where I studied engineering and he studied (a much easier degree) Vet science. Even with a PhD, 3 patented inventions and dozens of original products and new engineering innovations to my credit, I still cannot get a promotion… So, being a self-made millionairre, I have learned not to base my self-worth on the wrong opinions of prejudiced and ignorant people.

It’s a white man’s world, even though caucasians only make up 13.7% of the entire world’s population. Most of them see themselves are smarter and superior to people from other races, deserving of being imitated, followed and revered. (Many are very “up themselves” - thinking that people from all the other races don’t matter and are not as trustworthy or dependable as their fellow whites) If you live in a majority white country like Australia, just get used to being treated like an invisible person, because that’s all you are to most white people… An invisible person, or a 2nd class citizen. It will take several more generations and another 50+ years for most Aussies to learn how to trust people of colour or from other races. Don’t worry about racism, because you can find many good friends from other cultures and races. Frankly, the white-superiority complex that I see almost every day, really irritates me and pisses me off, so I tend to avoid super-critical, judgemental, nit-picking, racist white people, because I don’t want any bad memories (I have far too many bad memories already from stupid white racists)…

Do your own thing. Become successful. Become rich. Drive a $120,000+ luxury car with leather seats, and laugh when you see the shocked looks on the faces of racist white people who cannot believe the car you drive. LOL… If black people and asians had even HALF the friendship & support and encouragement that white people give to each other, they would have enough self-confidence and self-esteem to accomplish much much more than white people… Non-whites have been oppressed, subjugated, treated like inferior life-forms with constant disparaging nit-picking and criticism… it is so sad to see blacks and asians BELIEVING all the BS that white people give them…

Belief is so powerful, it can transform your life. Don’t believe what stupid racist people say. Tell them to their faces: “You did not choose to be white! You are not any more special than me, just because of your inherited DNA! You do not have the right to call yourself my superior, or my master.”

Answer #121

hey preah, im black and to b honest I feel that way 2, but I go to a white school and its just the same there, all the black kids sit 2gether and the white kids sit to gether I dont know why it is but u can kinda feel it when some 1 dosent like u because of uor skin color but im happy to c them peeps up^ there think reasonably thx and girl u know mostly its just the elderly member back den wit slavery so dey just not use to it but the answer is no not all of them hate us girl not all of them.

Answer #122

Def not! It is funny cause me and my sister were talking about this just the other day. The only people who seem to be racist or think that there is still problems with racism are the colored and everyone else who isn’t white. When I look at someone no matter what color they are i look at them the same. maybe they were staring at you because they liked something you were wearing or maybe you looked hot! That gets people’s attention more then someone’s skin color! Im white myself and when i look at people it is at there clothes hair ect. and im thinking that was prob the case! i wouldn’t worry about things like that so much cause i don’t think people even care about it anymore besides the colored!!

Answer #123

Def not! It is funny cause me and my sister were talking about this just the other day. The only people who seem to be racist or think that there is still problems with racism are the colored and everyone else who isn’t white. When I look at someone no matter what color they are i look at them the same. maybe they were staring at you because they liked something you were wearing or maybe you looked hot! That gets people’s attention more then someone’s skin color! Im white myself and when i look at people it is at there clothes hair ect. and im thinking that was prob the case! i wouldn’t worry about things like that so much cause i don’t think people even care about it anymore besides the colored!!

Answer #124

Def not! It is funny cause me and my sister were talking about this just the other day. The only people who seem to be racist or think that there is still problems with racism are the colored and everyone else who isn’t white. When I look at someone no matter what color they are i look at them the same. maybe they were staring at you because they liked something you were wearing or maybe you looked hot! That gets people’s attention more then someone’s skin color! Im white myself and when i look at people it is at there clothes hair ect. and im thinking that was prob the case! i wouldn’t worry about things like that so much cause i don’t think people even care about it anymore besides the colored!!

Answer #125

As a white, there are some people, especially older adults, who were raised against blacks. But the younger generation can also be cruel. So, to answer ur question soe still are, but most arent. Perhaps u just live in a rascist area. i am most certainly not against blacks, as some of my closest friends are black.

Answer #126

Come on, Curiousboy - no one is uneducated by choice, and whenever I hear anyone talking about morals I reach for my gun (except that as a lilylivered liberal I wouldn’t recognize a gun if one jumped up and bit me). I agree that crime is not a civilized option, but no one should have to do anything to prove themself. Just be human, and be true to yourself.

Only one person can be the first black president, but it ain’t necessary for a fulfilled life; only one person can be preah

Answer #127

Just bear in mind that by definition half the people in any society are below average intelligence.

Answer #128

eh… I dont hate you.. but im sure there are some ignorant folks that do… for the life of me I cant see why they would…

Answer #129

no matter what point in time we’re in, there’s still going to be some prejudice around. it may be 2007, slavery may be over, immigration may be allowed, etc.. but it only takes a small fraction of people to be prejudice to keep it going even though most people have managed to grow up and get past holding grudges against others for skin color and religion and sexuality and everything else that makes individuals individuals. it sounds like youre in a place where the ignorant majority still breathe, so the best thing you can do is take pleasure in knowing you arent that disgusting and move on from it. its not right by any means, but you cant change people’s views.

Answer #130

i dont im white i respect all colors. thoses who dont are perjudce and need to get over themselves just dont let it bug u k?

Answer #131

I m mixed race and I fine my afro carribean friends are extremely racist towards light skinned people and white people .For eg. they wouldnt eat from a fast food place if it was a white person serving or if they did they would ask for a black person from the kitchen area or soemthing to come serve them I mean what the f*ck is that about ?

Answer #132

No not really most white people dont hate blacks, but some people still do. (some of the black guys are actually cute eg, seaweed from hairspray). I like sum black people and hate some. I dunno really. 1 of my friends is black.

Answer #133

Yeah ok. No we do not all hate you but I tell you what we do hate. The and word hypocrisy.

hmmm. If I said the word and word I would be labeled racist if you said it you would be “PIMP” so I don’t understand the whole racism thing these days.

I say racism is where some guy beats another guy up or discriminates against you but not some damn and word that is flaunt about.

I am sorry that you have to deal with racism if that is what it truly is but remember. Stereotyping is a form of racism and that is what you are doing.

I am white and had sex with a black girl so I hope that means I aint racist.

Answer #134

Tons of people are still racist.

Buy you know what? I’m white and have many close friends that are black! :)

And also, my next door neighbors are black, and I think they’re some of the nicest people I’ve ever met!

Don’t worry, the people who call you a ngger are just a bunch of btches!

Answer #135

I hate how all people of different color think that white people are racist, sorry but its kind of ridiculus, what about african americans, or mexicans, oh they arnt racist psh nooo not at all.

Answer #136

UGH! thats so wrong. dude I have a lot of black friends and thats where I learned how to dance :) im half white half mexican and I have more white in me its crazy. but dont listen to stupid redneck people like that. its sooo wrong.oh by the way I dont hate you. some people might have other oppions but I dont!

Answer #137

I agree with sue90 about the neighborhood thing. I don’t know what to tell you really because I am white and I live in a multiracial neighborhood. about half of my school is African American and half is white. I don’t know why but Mexicans are disliked mainly here and everyone appreciates each other’s race. I think people don’t like Mexicans as much because they don’t legally become an American citizen and the English language may easily vanish if Spanish speaking immagrants flood into America without learning the American language. For many jobs, you have to learn Spanish in order to be hired because of the excessive amount of people in America who only speak Spanish. I kind of got lost on the topic..sorry I do that a lot :)

Answer #138

Anyone will find people that don’t like them..but tats racist!

bt erm I’ve gt blak frends and honestly I fnk they luk far beta than wite people … (im wite btw) Lol

erm…lstn you ave a ryt 2 do and be who and what ever you want! so they have a prblm with u. . . so theyr the one that its oviously hurtin so why shud you cre.. yh mayb it hurts bt don’t let it! :D

Mayb you shud say sumtn 2 them.. like av you gt a prblm…r yh im blak and yhur prblm is what???

Good Luck xxx

Answer #139

Some poeple are rascits and ignorant. But most white poeple have nothing agaisnt you or other black people. And plus who cares about each others skin color. It’s just skin!

Answer #140

I’ll tell you what most concerns me, when I hear some of the african american folk talking about how much they hate us. In fact, I can totally relate to what you’re asking. But from the complete opposite angle. I have tons of friends that are from different cultures. I personally find it more exhillerating being around multi culture than just my own. However, I still hear about other races hating “the whites”, not because of a personal vendetta, but because of something that happened years ago and none of us had any control over. So I don’t think it’s any white hates any black or other culture, I think it’s more along the lines of we just hate the actions that some people go thru with, and I also know that these actions are made by ALL cultures, so in lite, no one culture is perfect but just know that you’re not alone in your feelings, but the choices and decisions you make today on how to handle those people will define your outcome on your social behavior for the rest of your life… Don’t go around asking yourself those questions, because the people that think like that aren’t good enough to be your friend.

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