Is it natural to have small boobs at 14?

Is it natural to have small boobs at 14?

Answer #1

Yes its normal! Be worried if you have small boobs in your genetics, but my boobies didn’t begin to blossom until I was…I was… just a few years ago! And im 21! It’ll b okay, just enjoy not having much because when you get them, they can be aggravting!

Answer #2

yep. they’ll get there eventually. and even if they don’t get that… big, they’ll still perform their function. don’t fret.

Answer #3

really most girls [[me]] hate haveing a big chest. most would die to trade for smaller.

Answer #4

yes it is normal. Im 17 and I dont have big boobs. m like a size a or b. Yo will probably be a late bloomer.

Answer #5

Ya it is normal, don’t worry you will grow once your hormones really kick in.

Answer #6

yes, very normal. mine were small then and now they are huge!

Answer #7

my boobs are still really small…and I am almost 15! I dont think mine or growing dont know about you though!

Answer #8

yup it is and soon it will go BOOOM and dey will rise , dont worry. (:

Answer #9

Erm Yep Its Totally Normal ;)


Answer #10

yes it is its very normal so don’t worry

Answer #11

lol thanks.

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