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Not me, I would like to live pass 100, receive a birthday card from the reigning queen or king, be on television when I receive the special card surrounding by my offsprings and their offsprings and the offsprings’ offsprings :-) I want to be the cool granny who drives a flying car like the ones in the Fifth Element.
i think i would like to die at this age cause if i got married and have Childrens i want to see how they are goin to live and i want to see what kind of changes would happen to the world , i dont want to miss any thing , there’s alot to see
Depend if I’m healthy and good looking. I doubt I will be.
I think you would look good at 91 with the wreckle hehe…
I would like to die when i am 89. it feels like the right time to go to me.
I wanna die when I’m sixty-nine. Just because it’s sixty-nine.
It totally depends, if i have a really good life then no, but if i have a shitty life then yes
I think you would look as good (Pretty) as you are right now :P
I don’t know….. thats not the kind of thing I want to think about right now! But I want to live as long as I can
Yes because hopefully by then I feel that Ive done the important things in life and I would most likely be sick or have limeted mobility, I wouldnt be able to stand that.
my grandma is 88 her birthday was yestureday!
Your grandma is old but not as old as mine, my grandma is 96 and she still walk with a stick. How old would you want to die?
I think you are scared, you do know DEATH is inevitable
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What if I want to die? - 7 Answers
I want to die I just don't like life at all my friends say I need help because I've tried to kill myself 3 times I dont want ...
Is it normal that I want to die? - 12 Answers
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