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Do I need to use a developer (such as 30 or 40 vol) when using Clairol Pro, 7th stage cream lightener?
I have 3 packets of clariol pro lightening activator powder to mix in it. I will be using a cap to lighten dark alburn hair. My daughter wants blonde chunks….
Don’t use a 40 volume if you are using a powder lightener…you’ll need a 30 volume for proper lightening.
Should I use Ferria High Lift brown, Dark and Lovely, Wella? - 2 Answers
I've been reading some of the answers on how to lighten black hair to brown. One answer said that Ferria high lift brown is g...
How do I use this White Magic Bleaching Cream? - 8 Answers
I found this "White Magic gentle conditioning perfectly stabilized 40-volume creme colour developer" it says on the directi...
How far will 30 vol bleach lighten? - 4 Answers
I have almost black hair and I want to bleach my hair white but I'm not sure what I'm going to do about root growth. How well...
How much developer to use when dying hair? - 7 Answers
How much developer do you use when using loreal hicolor for dark hair? The color is h16 honey blonde and the creme is 30 vol....
Can a 25 Volume developer be used with any hair dye? - 3 Answers
I want to lighten my hair, but the color I have will not do the trick so I am trying to see if I use a stronger developer if ...
betnovate cream - 1 Answers
is it bad to use betnovate cream to whitening your skin tone??I know it wroks but is it bad for your skin?
What is a good skin lightening cream? - 4 Answers
i got really really tan over the weekend & i need a skin lightner..
How can I lighten my eyebrows in 30 mins? - 1 Answers
Dyed my hair blonder. Looks great. But my eyebrows are a little dark. Can anyone help me? Im in a time crunch
using pro-active like 4 days ago, but my acne got worse? - 6 Answers
I started using pro-active like 4 days ago, but my acne has progressively gotten worse. Is that because it needs to get worse...
Should I use lemon juice to lighten my hair? - 2 Answers
I have naturally blond hair but now it is brown should I use lemon jucie to make it blond again?
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