How to deal with a father who is controlling?

Answer #1

My dad is to controlling… he tries to say “ you can’t wear that” “where something else” or tries to be agressive and thinks everything can go his way

Answer #2

he might have a point, try and see it from his view, because this just seems to be: him looking out for you by wanting you to dress better. An example of a controlling parent is someone I know who’s parents sort of force them to come straight home after school is done… that’s controlling, but anyways there is not much you can do in a situation like this one so if i were you just WAIT (capitals to show you it’s important) 4 more years until you finally can live on your own

Answer #3

Yeah I know how it is. When you have a controlling father it’s best to just leave things the way they are for the time being. If you are still living under his roof then I’m sorry Hun you have no other choice but to go along with what he says. Rebeling in this sort of situation will only make agrees worse, if you once had a controlling parent rebelling would make it a possessive controlling parent.

Answer #4

Yeah I know how it is. When you have a controlling father it’s best to just leave things the way they are for the time being. If you are still living under his roof then I’m sorry Hun you have no other choice but to go along with what he says. Rebeling in this sort of situation will only make agrees worse, if you once had a controlling parent rebelling would make it a possessive controlling parent.

Answer #5

Yeah I know how it is. When you have a controlling father it’s best to just leave things the way they are for the time being. If you are still living under his roof then I’m sorry Hun you have no other choice but to go along with what he says. Rebeling in this sort of situation will only make agrees worse, if you once had a controlling parent rebelling would make it a possessive controlling parent.

Answer #6

the only way to deal wit that is to let him have his way cuz afterall he’s payin the bills and you livin under his roof for now so i just keep my mouth shut n thoughts to myself til i leave but for now i gotta respect them no matter what :/

Answer #7

Kindly talk to him and ask for more freedom. He may not realize how restricting he is, and so you might have to open his eyes a lil’

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