Is dancing a sport?

Is dancing a sport?

Answer #1

Yes it is, just take one look at any ballerina, male or female and tell me they are not ripped.

Answer #2

definantly. I started dance when I was 6. I love it and it is way harder then other sports. I am in basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, and out of ALL those I think dance is the funnest, yet hardest because you gotta concentrate on So many things. football all you gotta do is be able to run with a football and not get hurt doing it:) if your thinking about taking dance DO IT!!! its sooo much fun!

Answer #3

I would most definatly say so…I’ve been dancing since preschool&I’m going to be a high school sophmore this year…its hard work no matter what kind it is…its hard and it definatly keeps you in shape!

Answer #4

Yeah I already dance I was jw

Answer #5

Yeds this is the major thing that’s fun an helps loose weight and stay healthy

Answer #6

yeah, I would say so. anything with a team is a sport.

Answer #7

yes I have been dancing for 9 years and im 12! theres a lot of disiplene and you also have to be smart in dancing you have to memorize the moves correctly and it takes flexibility and lots of strengh!

Answer #8


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