When you see someone crying does it make you cry too?

Answer #1

I’ll mainly feel bad for someone in reality, but if it’s during a movie you go and see and the person is having a tearful moment, then I could as well feel emotional. Unless it’s a friend of mine feeling down, and I feel for him/her, than sure I’ll shed a tear or two, Same goes for family members.

Answer #2

Not usually, but it depends on who is crying & what they’re crying about.

Answer #3

It really depends on who is crying, and why they are crying. If I really care about that person, or if I can relate to their situation, then yes, I’ll probably cry, too. Seeing tears form in someone else’s eyes can be such a sad sight!

Answer #4

I’ll laugh if it’s someone I know and it’s over something dumb. I’m not one to cry, But if it’s someone close to me I’ll def try and comfort them though

Answer #5

I cry depending and who and what they are crying about. Say my sister was crying cause she got picked on at school, i’d probably cry too. Just because i’ve always been that way. I have feelings for other people.

Answer #6

Sometimes I will cry if I see someone else crying, but it really depends on who it is, the situation they’re in from crying, and the mood i’m in.

Answer #7

i can’t cry over someone who cries because they’re happy but if someone cry because something bad has happen to then, then yes i would cry and i refuse to show my tears, so i hold it in till they’re not around me because im the kind of person who would never show pitty. it’s one of the worst feeling to me.

Answer #8

No. It sickens me to see someone cry. I feel like slapping them in the face and telling them to get over it. But that’s not right.

Answer #9


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