How do i convince my mom to let me go to a psychologist without her asking me why ?

Answer #1

Ok, if my 14 year old asked me if she could see a psychologist, my first question would be “why” - it’s a mother’s natural response and concern for her child. She’s going to want to know what’s wrong, but perhaps if you just tell her that you’re going through some things that you just don’t feel comfortable discussing with her, but that you think seeing a psychologist would really help and it’s the responsible thing to do, she may just back off…for now…and allow you to go.

Answer #2

Well this might or might not woek. Say this, “Mom I need to to see a psychologist, but I think it’s best that I don’t tell you a reson. Please this is for a good reason.”

Answer #3

why don’t you start off with a school therapist? it will not get out to your mother and then after about a month of seeing her she can help you plan how to tell your mother you want to start seeing a psychologist. maybe your mother daughter relationship isn’t too good, and thats something that should be. but like i’ve told other people, you’re at that age, heck, i’m still at that age. don’t push your mother out.

Answer #4

You can’t. It’s a natural question. Here’s where you want to try to give her some of the truth, just enough to give her a vague idea. You can do it. You dont have to get into specifics but just explain that you’re having a hard time, or you haven’t been feeling great. Avoid saying that you need someone to talk to, because that leads to ‘you can talk to me’.

Answer #5

if you knew my mom you would understand ……shes not the most mature person in the world ….

Answer #6

itskinda suspicious isnt it ?

Answer #7

neither is my mom but i have to agree with them if you go to the school therepist you wouldn’t have to get permission from your mom.

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