What do you think is the most confrontational subject to discuss and why?

Answer #1

I think love is a rather hard concept to discuss, because it is very complex and many feelings are involved. Although, I wouldn’t say its too confrontational.

Answer #2

relgion, politics, and sex

sex ties into the other two and a lot of ppl thinks its taboo

religion is very confrontational, because everyone can pretty much disagree with it
and politics is well politics lol

Answer #3

Do you mean controversial?

I would say the top three are: -Teen Pregnancy. -Whether or not marijuana is good for you, and whether it should be legalized. -Whether or not ab0rtion is right, and if it should be legal.

Answer #4

Oh, and I forgot religion. That’s a big one!

Answer #5

Ooooops yes I did mean that, my brains goin to fast, lol

Answer #6

The top ones. Ab.ortion, Religion, Legalizing marijuana, Gay Marriage, and Politics. These are all topics that people have very strong views and opinions on and some of them affect their lives personally. I love debating any of these with people who actually can debate and hold an intellegent conversation, sadly on here that rarely happens.

Answer #7

I forgot homosexuality too, haha. I knew when I was writing my answer I left out a few. :/

Answer #8

I also forgot homosexuality. :/

Answer #9

suic1de, espially since everyone has some kind of right to be able to choose when they want to die, but do you stand by and let them or try to stop them?

Answer #10

Yes it is a rare thing on here and I also love a good debate, civilaly of course, the debate is over once you get physical with it, so I agree with Mandyloo’s opinion

Answer #11

Well my personal opinion is if someone is going to really do that, they wudnt tell anyone, they wud just do it. I cud be wrong but that’s the way I feel, that’s the reason for the note they leave, cuz no one knows they have done it

Answer #12

Actually most research shows that there are signs people will attempt or complete sui.cide. It’s a myth that people who are serious don’t talk about it.

Answer #13

Yeah that’s y I said my personal opinion, statistics say otherwise, I was always taught don’t talk about what ur gonna do just do it

Answer #14

Well whether people are taught that or not, they tend to reach out when they are in pain. It’s not about the act. It’s about what leads up to the act. The majority of adults, and a large portion of teens don’t just act, they think about what they’re going to do. While they’re thinking they tend to reach out and provide some sort of indicator that they are serious. The only people who don’t provide indicators are those who act on impulse, and don’t think about it.

Answer #15

When you have parents who don’t care and no one around to teach u any differant I think it may make it differant. I’m not sayin my way of thinking is correct on this cuz I’m sure its not, I have learned what I know about people and how they really are once I left home my parents didn’t do to well raising me, mentally I mean, I hope that makes since

Answer #16

I’m not sure how having parents who care about you makes a difference in whether you show signs of wanting to die?

Answer #17

I was referring to my way of thinking, cuz I was never really shown as a child or any age for that matter the right way

Answer #18

ya gay marriage isnt a prob here cuz its normal and they can get married.. but ya in the states that makes sense

Answer #19

I think you are right Mandyloo. I am actively engaged in 4 out of 5 of those areas (weed is the man out) and am often hesitant about bringing them up where I work (blue collar job) because of the polarization of those topics.

Answer #20

Peacce and Pot people! :)

Answer #21

i would agree with the top one most deffinatly! And the abor.tion one! My school was the most unhelpful thing in the world when i was in this situation!

Answer #22

There’s no right way of thinking? Well alright so I may personally think there’s a right way (which is my way of course) and I may not be too fond of things not based on empirical evidence, but there isnt actually a right way to think. I was simply explaining what the research has showed in reference to people who try to commit sui.cide, as far as that subject goes, i like to clear myths because it is actually dangerous for people to believe that those who are voicing suici.dality are not actually going to do anything. Nonetheless, I was not trying to imply your method of thinking is incorrect.

Answer #23


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