Sattelite Shooting?

What’s going to Happen with the Satellite? Where’s it supposed to land? I’m very worried that the Toxic Material is going to Kill Hundreds of People. How did the Whole thing happen? I’m hoping-although this is bad too-that the satellite will land in the Ocean or something. But not harm any Animals.

Answer #1

They dont seem that bothered by it on the news so I guess they know exactly what they are doing and yeh I think it could happen like how ‘baldwinwolf’ says

Answer #2

From the people on the news talking about, they are pretty positive that if anything comes into the earth’s atmosphere or pieces that land on earth will be in an area that is open and not around civilization or people. I don’t think they would try to blow up anything toxic or harmful if they weren’t completely sure we would be safe.

Answer #3

I am not fully aware of all of the details- but I will kind of take a stab at it. I believe this satellite is still in orbit, if that is the case, it is outside of the atmosphere. when it gets hit by the missile- it should break up and burn up in the upper atmosphere. anything that is toxic should get burned up as well. if any pieces actually make it to the surface ( which will be highly unlikely) there shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t think there is anything to worry about. but of course since I haven’t really been following the story- I could be wrong.

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